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The AREDN devs continue to crank out changes to the AREDN code base. Here's a summary of what's been happening in the recent nightly builds:
Devices added back into the nightly build after recent big OpenWrt update:
Bug fixes
Over and above the neighbor status states of pending, active , etc., new states of "hidden" and "exposed" have been added.
Because the nodes talk amongst themselves, your node knows...
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Nightly build 2017 is based on the latest OpenWRT release, version 22.03.2. (The current AREDN production release is based on OpenWRT 19.07 from January 2020).
There are significant changes in this nightly build:
All devices have been moved to the ath79 device tree (no more ar71xx).
The ipq40xx device tree has been added.
Each device now has its own image file.
Some filenames have been changed.
As a result devices need to be tested carefully, at least initially.
The most current status on nightly builds can be found in the README file here:
While this release has been tested on more than 90% of device types active on AREDN networks, it could not be tested on everything and support for some devices is either untested or not readily available. If you need a nightly build that’s missing please let us know and we will add it if possible (but you will need to provide hardware for development and testing).
Read MoreThe AREDN development team has shifted into high gear with this third release of 2022! This production release adds the many fixes and enhancements made since
If you plan to take advantage of the extended Amazon Prime Day on July 15 and 16, please consider supporting the AREDN Project with your purchases.
Simply shop at and AmazonSmile donates to Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network Inc
AREDN developers Joe Ayers AE6XE and Darryl Quinn K5DLQ were interviewed by Daniel Krook, the Chief Technology Officer for the Call for Code Global Initiative and the IBM Code and Response.
This fascinating discussion focuses on questions and ideas that will interest software developers and participants in the 2019 Call for Code Challenge.
You can find the video on the IBM Developer channel on Twitch.
AREDN is a 2019 Call for Code Program Supporter. Join Call for Code in building solutions to improve disaster relief efforts and a chance to win $200,000.
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