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WinSCP fails to connect after upgrade to

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VE3OY's picture
WinSCP fails to connect after upgrade to

I'm experiencing an oddity with the new firmware ...
NanoBridge M2 (XM) had on it and everything was fine.
I could PUTTY SSH into it, and WinSCP connected fine.

Now, after upgrading WinSCP is giving this error:
"Couldn't agree a client-to-server cipher (available: aes128-ctr, aes256-ctr)"

I can still PUTTY SSH into the NBM2 fine.

So, I thought maybe it was a case of installing SSH keys.
I followed the instructions from  "How To Use PuTTYGen to Make SSH Keys and Use Them on AREDN Nodes".
I created SSH-2 RSA private & public keys using PuttyGEN.
Uploaded the public key from the ADMIN page.

Key installed.
Info: key file sanitized.

Yet, when I look at the drop down box for keys, nothing is listed.
Tried uploading several times ... rebooting ... no change.

I wanted to attach my support data file, but can't see how to.

Firmware loaded by TFTP: AREDN-

Thoughts?  Help??


"Couldn't agree a client-to
"Couldn't agree a client-to-server cipher (available: aes128-ctr, aes256-ctr)"

Sounds like you are using a version of WinSCP that doesn't the ciphers we use (ssh server daemon got a security patch as part of the

Please verify you are using the latest version of WinSCP and let us know if the issue remains/disappears.
VE3OY's picture
I should have checked! ... I

I should have checked! ... I was using version 382 of WinSCP.
I see version 594 is now out.

I'll download and test tomorrow.
Thanks for the advice!

BTW ... how DO you include a support file in a post??
I searched the site looking for a HOW-TO, but didn't find one.

K5DLQ's picture
Look just ABOVE the SAVE
Look just ABOVE the SAVE button at the bottom of this post, is the "Support File Attachments" section....
VE3OY's picture
DOH!  I hate it when I miss
DOH!  I hate it when I miss something so obvious!
VE3OY's picture
WinSCP Version 5.9.4


After downloading the latest version of WinSCP from
... the cipher issue has been eliminated.

While I can't pretend to know what modifications were made to the ciphers in latest firmware version,
I can tell you that if you have any issues connecting with WinSCP .... upgrade it!

Many thanks for your hard work gents!


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