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I looked at the release notes for the latest release and became curious about the DoS vuln. What happened when someone decided to upload a file to a page that didn't expect it?
SCS-2017-001 – High Severity
SCS-2017-001 – High Severity
A remote Denial of Service flaw impacting ALL RELEASES of the AREDN/BBHN branded firmware since at least version 0.4.3. Immediate upgrade to (or newer) is recommended to ensure stability of the mesh nodes.

"Denial-of-service attacks are characterized by an explicit attempt by attackers to prevent legitimate users of a service from using that service. "
Yes, I know that it allows a
Yes, I know that it allows a DoS attack. Not only did I read the release notes, I read the commit message and code. My question was what happened when a file was uploaded where it wasn't expected. Memory full? Infinite loop? Kernel panic?
Out of Memory
Out of Memory

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