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P-Link CPE710v2.6

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P-Link CPE710v2.6
Does someone know if the TP-Link CPE710v2.6 will be supproted anytime in the near future?
Or should I concede that I bought the wrong version and buy a different antenna say,
  • Ubiquiti PowerBeam M2 Wireless Bridge (PBE-M2-400) or
  • MikroTik LHG HP5 Dual Chain High Power 24.5dBi 5GHz CPE Point-to-Point Integrated Antenna (RBLHG-5HPnD-US)
Bill - KQ6BIL
nc8q's picture
CPE710 substitutes
Hi, Bill:

I recommend buying a different radio.
I like my Microtik LHG [,HP]5nD series installs very much.
The recommendation now is for 5ac gear.
I am unhappy that my [LHG,SXTsq,hAP]5ac gear seems to be limited to 54 TxMbps vice 130.0 TxMbps in my 5nD gear.
I have 8 LHG[,]5nD devices in service and
9 SXTsq[,HP]5nD in service and am very pleased with their performance.
I have 2 each LBE-5AC-Gen2-US on order.
I think the LBE-5AC-Gen2 are popular in California.

73, Chuck

CPE710 substitutes
Hi Chuck,

Thank you for your answer.  That is the help I needed.  I have ordered just one LBE-5AC-Gen2-US.  Thank you again.

73, Bill
nc8q's picture
Hi, Bill:
I am displeased with bench tests on my pair of LBE-5AC-Gen2-US devices.
I would greatly prefer the LHG-5nD devices instead.
73, Chuck

cpe 710 v2.6
so are we saying there will be no support for the cpe710 -2.6 version? if so ill send this back. Very frustrating as i love tp link and the ease of the firmware install.
Cory N1XWS
Any update on this?
I do not see any firmware beyond V1.  Still have a couple weeks of return window on my V2.6.
w6bi's picture
Try the very latest nightly build; I've heard that with the incorporation of the latest OpenWrt production release, the AREDN code for the 710 might actually be working.  Inquiring minds want to know laugh

Orv W6BI
Hello Orv

I was attempting to use the nightly build.  Error was "invalid version" or something to that effect.  This was using the Pharos firmware update method.  That is when I noticed that the latest firmware was V1.

Did not try the stable release nor alternate upload methods as I did not expect a different result.

73, Robert
w6bi's picture
Thanks for the effort, Robert.

Orv W6BI

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