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Nanostation M5 XW

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Nanostation M5 XW

After upgrading to NB 1326  on  a NSM5  no access to tftp on 


nc8q's picture
Nanostation M5 XW: upgrade to NB1326
Please, more description of condition coming from and going to
You were running X.XX.XX/NB-XXXX and did a sysupgrade to NB 1326?
Did you 'Save Settings' ?
Does NS-M5-XW respond to a WiFi scan on 5, 10, or 20 MHz.
Does a DHCP client attached to the node obtain an IP address?
Can you get the node into 'TFTP' state?
Put the Ubiquiti device into TFTP mode by holding the reset button while plugging your node’s Ethernet cable into the POE port on the PoE adapter.
Continue holding the device’s reset button for approximately 30 to 45 seconds until you see the LEDs on the node alternating in a 1-3, 2-4, 1-3, 2-4 pattern, then release the reset button.


Reply to #2

Chuck, Here are the results of the test i did.
From NB 1210-2ef35ec  to NB 1326-c0bac78-ar71xx = ok
Save settings = yes
Wifi scan on 5,10,20 MHZ = ok
Obtian IP Lan address from node = ok
Tftp mode = yes (lights flash and alternate) 

After powering down node for 30 + minuets and invoking tftp mode, I was able to ping it on and load a factory file aredn- 


AE6XE's picture
tftp process
Eric,  putting the device into tftp mode,  the device has booted up with a program called the 'boot loader'.   This program is stored in the flash memory and distinctly separate from where a firmware image is stored on the flash.   What this means is, it doesn't matter what version of the AREDN firmware, AirOS, or any other firmware is installed, when you boot the device into tftp mode, that firmware is not involved with the process at all.    Then when you tftp put up a new image, whatever image was in the flash memory, is over written.  The AREDN firmware or tftp process never modifies this bootloader program, it is original from Ubiquiti.
If you are not able to get a response booting the device into tftp mode, then there is a networking setup issue between the device and your computer.     I often use a dumb switch in the middle.  This can help, because if the bootloader doesn't detect your computer is there (ethernet link is down), then it may not respond.  Putting the dumb switch in the middle, always shows the ethernet link is up to the nanostation. 

Reply to #4

Joe thanks for tips! This is good to know. Sometimes I use a dumb switch in between and sometimes not, but will keep this in mind when such problems arrise.Thanks for all that you and your team do!!


K6CCC's picture
IMHO - Always use a dumb switch
I agree with Joe.  Always use a dumb switch between the computer and the node.  Even if the node does not care, your computer does care if it looses an Ethernet connection.  Having a dumb switch in between avoids problems.  You can use almost anything as long as it does NOT connect you to something that can provide a DHCP Address - that will screw you up.  The last couple times I have TFTPed a node, I used a lighting controller board that has a built in 3 port switch.

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