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DHCP doesn't work on 4th local computer.

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DHCP doesn't work on 4th local computer.
I've loaded AREDN-3-16.1.1-ubnt-airrouter-squashfs-factory.bin onto an air router.  I configured it for 13 host Direct.

I plugged 4 computers, all windows 7, all configured identically into the LAN ports on the air router.  The computer plugged into port 4 of the air router does not get a DHCP address.  If I swap computers, it's always the one on port 4.

I have two air routers, and I get the same problem on the second air router.  The computer plugged into port 4 does not get an address assigned to it.

If I unplug the computers from ports 3 and 4, plug a ethernet switch into port 3 and plug the two computers into the switch, I get addresses assigned to all computers.

WU2S's picture
AirRouter Port 4
Port 4 on the AirRouter is used for a device-to-device connection to another AREDN node. See this document for details about the ports:
AirRouter Port 4
Well, that explains it.  Thanks for the quick reply.  

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