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Chicago Area Systems?

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Wa9kje's picture
Chicago Area Systems?

Are there any systems running in the Chicago area?

MODERATOR: (K5DLQ) moved to Regional/Illinois sub-forum.

Chicago Systems
I am interested in getting a network setup in Chicago
Wa9kje's picture

Where are you located?
I am on the north side near Devon & Western and working on setting up a link between my QTH and one or the Winston Towers building top, 12th, floor.

Sonny WA9KJE

I am located in downers grove.
what band are you running on?
Wa9kje's picture
I am running 5GHz
I am running 5GHz

Sonny, WA9KJE 
Chicago or NW Indiana
Moved to NW Indiana recently and looking for other AREDN stations.  I am near Michigan City, between Chicago and South Bend, right on the lake.  My systems are running but not in a great location yet, but have access to a very nice tower, nearly 200 feet up.  But waiting to put anything there till I see if there are any other stations around.
73, Bill, N4SV/9
KC9SGV's picture
Soon, you will be able to set
Soon, you will be able to set up a link via GEO satellite.
Image Attachments: 
How about no.
Unfortunately using a commercial band aggregator and ham downlink isn't exactly emergency ready. 

I am near downtown Chicago. (Bridgeport) And want to set up a node. Not sure which bands yet because I don't really have the money to buy one of the routers right now. (College sucks like that.)  I don't have access to a very tall location either. Max is somewhere over my the roof of my 2 story house. For referance on 2m and 70cm I can get out all the way past O'Hare air port on 5 watts with the antenna on the peak of my roof.
I may be trying to set up a
I may be trying to set up a node in Chicago around bridgeport. 
Just wondering if there is
Just wondering if there is any development on a Chicago area setup and what could be done to help setup a system. 
KV3T's picture This effort is ongoing. It was delayed a year due to coronavirus, but the hardware is in my basement and ready to be deployed. I looked you up on qrz and i don't think you will get line of sight to any of the proposed sites, but it is a start.
KV3T's picture
Check that link again for an
Check that link again for an update.  Looks like in the coming months there will be a real build out in the north shore area.
Wa9kje's picture

Finally got logged back in to the AREDN website.
I am trying to find out what I need to do to add a node to the MESH system at my location.
I am on the north side of Chicago, in West Ridge, near Devon and Western.  Not far from KC9MHE and NS9RC on the AREDN map.
I am currently running Ubiquity UDM PRO, with dual WAN redundant internet.
I have some older Ubiquity 5GHz Rockets, and a Power Beam Gen2 (5GHz) that I was using for another project, but is available for this project.
Also, I have a roof tower on my house that I can mount the MESH antenna(s) on.


KV3T's picture
Hey Sonny,
Hey Sonny,
From that location, you should have NO PROBLEM getting connected.  See the email from Randy yesterday (WU2S).  As he said, he has much better availability for one on one consultations at this time, so he will get you straightened out.  I've just been getting really dragged over the coals this spring at work.  But your connect to Park Tower should be flawless, assuming you can get over whatever trees or local obstructions exist between you and the node, but things look pretty low and flat in that area, so I think you will get a great link to Park Tower, and get you on CAREDN.

You can also check out the CAREDN page here:

But generally to get you pointed in the right direction:

The Park Tower node located at roughly 520' AGL at 41°58'49"N 87°39'17"W  It is on AREDN channel 131, with a 10MHz channel width. The antenna is a 120 degree sector antenna aimed at roughly 300 degrees, so right at you, and only roughly two miles to your south west.

KC9MHE is just south of you, but his node doesn't have as much height as he would like, so I don't think that link will be your best bet.

Also, if you are around for field day, we will be demoing aredn at the NS9RC field day:

All the best,
Wa9kje's picture
Thank you for the reply.
Thank you for the reply.
I have been in contact with Randy, and we will setup a phone call soon.
I already have some equipment that I purchased a while ago in anticipation of setting up a node.
I just need to know the best config for the Netgear GS105E, and see if my 5GHz rocket/yagi will work for Park Tower.
KV3T's picture
In case you haven't seen it,
In case you haven't seen it, there are a bunch of example configurations for that switch on this website: I have one as well, and just picked the one closest to what I needed, copied it exactly, and it worked perfectly. I'm glad you got in touch with Randy. He will help you figure out what configuration makes sense for you and get you rolling. Unless you have a huge obstruction between you and park tower, you should get a great connection.
KV3T's picture
Congrats on getting connected.  Welcome to CAREDN!

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