Does anybody know the correct settings for the boot settings on the MikroTik SXT? I believe the options are a mix of nand, flash, dhcp, and bootp. I'm stuck in endless DHCP boot sequence after first applying the correct .elf file and I get to the NOCALL first boot just fine, but I can't seem to apply the sysupgrade .bin file and make it through that next boot sequence.
Are there log trails or syslog setup that I can look at?
I've tried disabling WAN, set the password and node name and clicked 'save' and it wants to reboot and never comes back. I've tried going direct to admin page and uploading sysupgrade .bin file and it never comes back. Waited 20 minutes and watched with wireshark and all I get is constant DHCP requests and it won't take address, nor give any if I change PC to DHCP. The lights on the device never show Ethernet as active.
I've spend two days on this and can't figure it out. I'm going to try a nightly build tonight and uncheck the "keep settings".
I've even winscp'd the firmware over and manually ran the upgrade script and still get the same.
I've tried several differnet settings of the bootloader but all with the same results (each after re-installing routerOS to get to those settings).
I'm about ready to move on to Ubiquity
I've followed the directions, used a dumb switch, tried attaching it to another routerboard device I've had working to see if the VLAN is causing an issue and if it will issue IP address to it. I've tried setting the PC address to the LAN address range manually. Nothing but DHCP requests after that initial load to the NOCALL boot. Any reboot after that it goes stupid on me.
I wish I could just use netinstall to get the file system written. At least it works 80% of the time.
My model
MikroTik RouterBOARD SXT 5HPnD (SXT 5 High Power)
firmware I'm trying to load after getting the nightly to boot with PXE and nightly initfs file.
When I try to run these by hand they fail.
# Pre-upgrade special cases
case "$(/usr/local/bin/get_boardid)" in
MikroTik\ hAP\ ac3)
# If we're running from RAM we must now format the flash otherwise
# the install will fail
if [ "$(cat /proc/mounts | grep overlay)" = "" ]; then
ubidetach -m 1
ubiformat /dev/mtd1 -y
ubiattach -m 1
/sbin/sysupgrade $*
I have tried at least 4 latest Nightly Builds.
I can get the initramfs-kernel.bin to load and boot.
After loading the sysupgrade.bin from the Administration page and
resetting computer to DHCP client, I never get an IP address from the SXTsqG.
Neither does the node does respond on
What am I doing wrong?
I tried loading from /tmp with and without the '-n' option.
Still no reponse from DHCP client.
73, Chuck
Chuck, keep your computer's interface on the static IP address all the way through the process. I'm linking the PDF install checklist for Mikrotik devices here, which shows that you wait until the very last step to enable DHCP on your computer.
Navigate to Administration > Firmware Update and browse to select the sysupgrade.bin file you previously downloaded
Click the Upload button and wait for the node to reboot again.
at that point my device kicks out endless DHCP requests still (presumably for the WAN interface even on dump switch). I never get the 3rd light for the network active. No ping, won't take DHCP if I start it back up again. Nothing.
Hi, Steve:
Followed instructions through
After the node has finished rebooting, you
again open a web browser and enter
My computer is still on and I used a simple switch to computer and POE LAN port.
Soon after rebooting the SXTsqG stops responding to pings on and
after 7 minutes ... nada.
for your perusal.
Here is my ssh sysupgrade attempt sequence:
pi@nc8q-QtSMx86:/tftp ping -i 9
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=6.72 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=3.35 ms
--- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 2 received, +4 errors, 66.6667% packet loss, time 45029ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 3.347/5.035/6.723/1.688 ms
pi@nc8q-QtSMx86:/tftp$ sh
The authenticity of host '[]:2222 ([]:2222)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:QHlOmi/FvWERhI4lF3iuymNymsZJEfEughHf7e1TsP0.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
aredn-2354-6a27a8f-ipq40xx-mikrotik-mikrotik_sxtsq-5-ac-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin 100% 6017KB 2.3MB/s 00:02
pi@nc8q-QtSMx86:/tftp$ ssh -p2222 root@
root@'s password:
BusyBox v1.35.0 (2023-01-03 00:24:21 UTC) built-in shell (ash)
_____ ______ _____ _ _
/\ | __ \| ____| __ \| \ | |TM
/ \ | |__) | |__ | | | | \| |
/ /\ \ | _ /| __| | | | | . ` |
/ ____ \| | \ \| |____| |__| | |\ |
/_/ \_\_| \_\______|_____/|_| \_|
1) Research AREDN and choose a supported device
2) Download and install AREDN firmware
3) Deploy and enjoy the mesh
2354-6a27a8f, r20028-43d71ad93e
root@NOCALL:~# sysupgrade -n /tmp/aredn-2354-6a27a8f-ipq40xx-mikrotik-mikrotik_sxtsq-5-ac-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Tue Jan 3 00:28:52 UTC 2023 upgrade: Commencing upgrade. Closing all shell sessions.
Command failed: Connection failed
root@NOCALL:~# Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
73, Chuck
P.S. No support file because boards only allow tar gnu zip files (tgz) and the device just creates gz files and I'll have to convert that later.
This sounds similar to a problem I'm having at the moment. I'm trying to install the AREDN software on a MikroTik LHG XL 5 ac (P/N RBLHGG-5acD-XL). I load the rb.elf file using the Tiny PXE server and the file appears to install properly. When I connect using a browser I see the initial AREDN screen. However, the NOCALL header on the screen has no suffix showing the "10-XXX-XXX-XXX" subnet. It just says NOCALL and nothing else. At this stage of the procedure I'm used to seeing a header that says "NOCALL-XXX-XXX-XXX". If I try to install the SysUpgrade software at this point, the node tells me that I don't have a valid Mesh IP address. I've installed software on MikroTik hAP AC Lite devices a number of times so I'm fairly familiar with the process. By no means an expert. I've tried installing the AREDN software on the MikroTik LHG multiple times using the 2368, 2378, and 2390 nightly builds. All three give me the same result.
As I said, the problem that kf0dyw is describing sounds similar to mine so I'm adding to this thread. If my problem is something else I'll be happy to start a new Topic/thread.
Update on 3/6/23
I see that the nightly build version for the MikroTik LHG that I'm using was incremented from 2390 to 2397. I tried again with the new build but still run into the same problem. After I load the rb.elf file, the header is simply "NOCALL" with no 10 subnet suffix. I need to correct my earlier description to note that I am able to load the SysUpgrade file but when I try save the configuration with a Node Name and Password and then try to save that configuration, I get an error message saying that I have an "invalid Mesh IP address". Looking at the Mesh IP address, it shows up at So, it appears the problem I am seeing is different from the original problem in this post. I'll post a separate Topic for this.
Sorry for any confusion.
John, KM6ZJT
Hi, kf0dyw,
Thanks for responding to my comment.
I reposted the "invalid Mesh IP address" issue with "Mesh IP Address displayed on the AREDN screen as" here:
The issue was documented in bug reports 747 and 750. It was resolved in nightly build 2423.
John, KM6ZJT
I have the SXT 5HPnD with the same issue and I've tried about 20 versions but the latest and I can consistently reload the routeros, get it to accept bootp first boot. Then I've tried going directly to admin page and selecting the sysupgrade file, or done a winscp copy of the file and run the sysupgrad -F -n /tmp/ method and waited and waited but it never comes back after that. I have computer to dumb switch and switch to SXT and don't switch the computer to DHCP until the sysupgrade is done (again, either from command line or admin page).
I've got about 20-30 hours (not kidding) trying to get this to load but can't get past that initial nocall screen. I've gotten good at reloading the device's OS or booting from PXE environment. 100% success on getting that step done and booting into AREDN localnode.locl.mesh screen.
One new piece of information today is I tried the command line upgrade and without the -F I got a metadata error.
For clarity I'm loading the file below on the admin page or via command lines sysupgrade
I've tried going to basic setup screen as well and changing nocall to my call and setting pw. Same results.
On the plus side, it has keep me engaged for WAY more time than the device costs so I've gotten my money's worth of it. ;)
This last attempt tonight shows it stuck in bootp when I look at wireshark.
I would love to troubleshoot the boot process some more if there was some more information on how to do that.
more information:
Hi, incase anyone is still having this issue. I had the same problem, the answer was here:, i.e. the firmware must be "RouterOS Firmware v6.45.8 or earlier".
After downgrading and then upgrading (which I missed the first time) the device to RouterOS v6.45.7 I was able to install AREDN as expected. I used the following instructions:
Even if you think you do have the correct RouterOS version before starting it is worth checking with the command /system routerboard print (in the RouterOS terminal).