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Heads Up: New Mikrotik BaseBox board revision breaks AREDN/OpenWRT

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AE6XE's picture
Jim,  let's clarify the
Jim,  let's clarify the failure or problem statement.  Before, the devices could be flashed, but booted with a missing wireless interface, the node couldn't get through basic setup to save anything or be configured.    This data shows a node with a recent nightly build image flashed and setup running with the 10.x.x.x address range.  So it is past the point of the prior issue.  I'm not seeing anything jumping out in the data, it looks like a normal configured mesh node. 

Joe AE6XE    
NH6HI's picture
Looks like the Nightly Build was the fix.
New basebox5 - Issue resolved

Hi Joe. I'm Tony, WH6DVI and I'm working with Jim, NH6HI on the BaseBox5 units here in Hawaii County. I re-flashed it with the latest nightly build (6/30) and everything seems to be working fine. Thank you for your help.

Are current Basebox 5's working for AREDN?
Just want to make sure that the most current basebox 5's are currently working for AREDN. The model number I see is rb912uag-5hpnd-out.

Thank you

AE6XE's picture
The new hardware Revs in this
The new hardware Revs in this thread are working.  Unless there is yet a newer Rev out, the latest hardware is expected to work.   There hasn't been any chatter recently of baseboxes not working, so generally no news is good news.
Thanks for the info Joe. I
Thanks for the info Joe. I was reading this forum last night and it sounds like you did alot of work getting the new rev version to work. In your opinion, would you go with the rocket m5 or the basebox5? The 1w output and newer more current hardware of the basebox is the tempting part. But the issues that arise with newer hardware or firmware revisions is a bit discouraging Thanks for all you do.
AE6XE's picture
I don't think you can go
I don't think you can go wrong with ether device.  The 1w output seems to me is more of a marketing issue.  All the devices supported by AREDN are all the same Qualcomm/Atheros chipsets.  However, these devices have really cheap Power Amps to keep manufacturing costs down, not necessarily the same chip used by both manufacturers.  The PA can easily be overdriven and while 1w may be the max at the lowest link rates possible in 802.11n, they wouldn't keep a clean signal at the higher rates. The Ubiquiti specs will show their firmware will drop the rates automatically up to -6dB when the higher rates are used, likely to keep the signal clean and pass FCC tests.   higher rates, cutting channel width in half, put more demands on the PA.  Always best to test a given install, by lowering the power and always use the minimum power setting that still achieves sufficient performance. 

Thanks for that info! Yes
Thanks for that info! Yes best to get a way with less power when possible! 
Playing with a Basebox5 now.
Playing with a Basebox5 now. Wow its not easy to even log into the original ip address and router os.... It just will not open the ip address in a browser! 
I did get it to flash the nightly build but after attempting the firmware upgrade it reverted back to router os..... Why? 
Do I need to keep trying until it sticks?

Thanks for any comments.

Got it working! 
Got it working! 


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