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LiteBeamM5 LBE-M5-23-US will not flash Aredn Firmware

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LiteBeamM5 LBE-M5-23-US will not flash Aredn Firmware
Just received 3 LiteBeamM5 Model: LBE-M5-23-US that will not flash Aredn Firmware.  All three give me the same error trying to update the firmware to Factory  aredn-  "Wrong Firmware version is uploaded. Please upload the correct version and try again".  I also tried the Sysupgrade version, and also the Nightly version,  aredn-84-99305c5-ar71xx-ubnt-lbe-m5-sysupgrade.bin also with the same error on all three.  

Searched here in the Forum without any results with this error and hopping someone could shed some light on what I am doing wrong or what I need to do to load the Aredn Firmware onto these LiteBeamM5's.

Thanks in advance.

Attached is a copy of the Support Data:
Support File Attachment: 
nc8q's picture
trying to update the firmware to Factory aredn-
Was this a TFTP install following:
Or, was this an 'upgrade' procedure from AirOS ?

No up to my posting, as all
No up to my posting, as all my other Rockets, etc were upgraded from the factory firmware simply by logging into and running the upgrade from within.  Never had to do TFTP in the past.....Right after I posted, I remembered something about it, and low and behold, found the TFTP page, followed it and it worked!!!! Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it.

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