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Bullet wifi vs Bullet mesh failure

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Bullet wifi vs Bullet mesh failure
See attachment diagram.

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K6CCC's picture
I would assume that the WiFi
I would assume that the WiFi bullet is operating as a part 15 device since 1) as I don't really see how it would work as you described it if it was AREDN, and 2) the iPhones could not connect to it.  With that assumption, the WiFi Bullet would need to operate as a simple access point and not try to operate as a router or NAT device.  Can you confirm that the two phones are really getting IP addresses from the Mesh Bullet.  Can you ping from one iPhone to the other with their mesh IP?  Can the PC ping each iPhone?  Can the iPhones ping the PC or the mesh Bullet?
Once the phones have a mesh LAN IP, their communications with each other should go no further to the right on your drawing than the WiFi Bullet, Also note that Apple is pushing out an update to iOS as of late (my work iPhone updated last night).  Might that have changed something in the iPhone config?  Since it works when you use the Wifi Bullet as the DHCP server, that is likely not the case, but this is Apple we're talking about :)
The obvious question - did anything get changed in any configuration?

Bullet wifi vs Bullet mesh failure
I would assume that the WiFi bullet is operating as a part 15 device since 1) as I don't really see how it would work as you described it if it was AREDN, and 2) the iPhones could not connect to it. 


With that assumption, the WiFi Bullet would need to operate as a simple access point and not try to operate as a router or NAT device. 


Can you confirm that the two phones are really getting IP addresses from the Mesh Bullet. 

YES. The phones say that their IP address is the same as listed in the mesh bullet DHCP leases.

Can you ping from one iPhone to the other with their mesh IP? 

Can the PC ping each iPhone? 

1 yes the other no

Can the iPhones ping the PC or the mesh Bullet?

No. Request timeout.

Note - The mesh bullet assigned an IP address to  the wifi bullet.

Once the phones have a mesh LAN IP, their communications with each other should go no further to the right on your drawing than the WiFi Bullet, Also note that Apple is pushing out an update to iOS as of late (my work iPhone updated last night).  Might that have changed something in the iPhone config?  Since it works when you use the Wifi Bullet as the DHCP server, that is likely not the case, but this is Apple we're talking about :)

This happened a while ago, so I don't think so.    But anything is possible.

The obvious question - did anything get changed in any configuration?
A few things...
Often mobile phones will not respond to pings, either on cellular or wifi. It's hit and miss, mostly miss. Try reinstalling any phone apps in question. Their firewall holes may have been overwritten. Many access points can isolate wifi clients so they don't communicate with each other via the AP. This is done to reduce broadcast and other unecessary traffic on the air. (They may still connect via other devices behind the AP--sometimes it can leak thru from questionable switches or poor design). This may be on by default or by an explicit setting in the AP setup. Look for 'isolated clients' or 'private' wifi or something similar. That would need to be turned off.
K6CCC's picture
Ian has good points about
Ian has good points about devices may or may not be able to be pinged.  Newer versions of windows also firewall ping response by default as I recall.
Bullet wifi vs Bullet mesh failure

I have made more careful ping tests and the results are shown in the table.
1. nothing can ping to the PC, but the PC can ping to everything else.
2. Otherwise, everything can ping to everything.
3. I do not know how to ping from the wifi bullet. Help?
Does this help in the solution of the problem?
The switch is a Netgear GS105.
The phones fail to connect with the message "404 Not Found".


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K6CCC's picture
Good bet that the PC has
Good bet that the PC has pings firewalled - that is default in recent versions of Windows (unfortunately)..
Assuming that the WiFi Bullet is running Ubiquiti AirOS, there is a ping test under tools.
That's about the limit of what  can help with.

wifi bullet ping
Thanks to your advice, I am now able to ping out from the wifi bullet.
It can ping to ALL the other devices except the PC.
I am working on enabling inbound ping to the PC.

bullet ping
I have disabled the filters in Windows and my antivirus software to allow inbound ping.  So it now works and every device can ping every other device.

Bob w8erd

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