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GL-iNet AC750 only showing IP from tunnel server node

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AC0WN's picture
GL-iNet AC750 only showing IP from tunnel server node

I recently put a GL-iNet AC750 on our mesh as a portable tunnel client.  It actually works quite well but the only way to see the unit on the network is to log onto the node which is providing the tunnel to the AC750 and then it only displays it's IP address and not it's hostname.  I tried logging onto it and issuing:  /etc/init.d/olsrd restart with no effect.

Am I missing something or this a known bug?

Many thanks,
julie mcgrew

AE6XE's picture
Julie,  I believe this is
Julie,  I believe this is related to:

I need to be able to reproduce and be able to start olsr up in debug mode.   This is a bit complicated, to try and communicate over the phone.  If you manually start OLSR, it may fix the issue (the node that is showing as an IP address and not hostname). 
I'm having this issue also.

I'm having this issue also. It's on 3 nodes that are tunneled to my node. The offending nodes are AirRouters with the radio as an AP. Running ​

August KG7BZ

W2TTT's picture
Similar issue with IP address only on Mikrotik hAP
Discovered something interesting the other with thez Mikrotik hAP... Sometimes these devices only resolve to an IP address with no OLSR name propagating around the network. I solved it by doing the following In Setup I selected Reset, Default Values and then Reboot. Waited a bit between each step and everthing started to work properly. When it came back up, I did not need to readminister anything including tunnels. I think this process does the same OLSR restart that Joe is suggesting. 73, Gordon Beattie, W2TTT 201.314.6964

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