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Can't reserve DHCP addresses in B4

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ke6scs's picture
Can't reserve DHCP addresses in B4

After installing, I found that my advertised services were not showing up, so I went into the "Port Forwarding, DHCP, and Services" page and I could not re-assign any reserved DHCP address because the drop-down with the IP addresses was empty.


Steve KE6SCS

Can you give a bit more
Can you give a bit more background please on this? It sounds like you had the software installed with some advertised services and then did an upgrade? If so what version were you on before ? What steps did you take to upgrade? A support dump may also be useful (Administration page)
ke6scs's picture
You are quite correct about
You are quite correct about the previously advertised services.

This is in an AirGrid M2
I was previously on

I installed the B04 sysupgrade image using the "Firmware Update" upload form (with "keep settings" checked) on the Administration page.

I have attached a support file.

Steve KE6SCS
Support File Attachments: 
AE6XE's picture
Steve,  check this post out:
Steve,  check this post out: .   However, it's yet to be determined if this is related--Conrad may have further insight having implemented the keep settings capability.
AE6XE's picture
Did you by chance rename this
Did you by chance rename this node at any point?
ke6scs's picture
I did not rename it.
I did not rename it.

Steve KE6SCS
Thank you for the bug report.
Thank you for the bug report.

This didn't end up getting a ticket number, but it has been fixed in commit:9c21a18f3f26403b3eea726c12f1230387769e26/aredn_ar71xx (release- code branch) and you should expect it to be fixed in a future release.

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