Hi all, I'm currently configuring a portable AREDN server to be included in my go-box, and I'm just asking me, what kind of software do you usally deploy.
This is my currently desployment:
- Operating System: Ubuntu Server 19.04
- Hardware: Zotac mini PC (https://www.zotac.com/es/product/mini_pcs/overview) with 8Gb of RAM and 80 Gb HDD
- Software
- Google Person Finder: https://github.com/google/personfinder (not yet deployed)
- Forms: I'm looking for a simple software to deploy forms for multiples purposes like affiliation of people, etc, etc. (maybe https://github.com/tellform/tellform)
- Etherpad: for collaborating notes
- Filebrowser.xyz: to use as file server, because nextcloud it's to big for my current needs
- Let's Chat: for chat
- PAT: for winlink over HTTP (not yet installed)
- Rclone: to sync the folders that we have in Google Drive or Dropbox with the Caddy Server (file server)
- Asterisk: VoIP Server
- Docker-CE: to deploy some services easily
- Portainer: to manage docker easily
- CMS: to deploy a webpage to show information (maybe as a captive portal). I'm tinkering with https://getgrav.org/features because don't need a database (not yet deployed)
I would appreciate any suggestion.
The Teamtalk server runs nicely on a Raspberry Pi. We have one in a mountaintop site, sitting right on the backbone for good connectivity, and the site has battery and solar backup for power continuity.
Would you please point us to a good write-up or two on how to install and setup a new virgin copy of TeamTalk on a PI3 please? Also, any hints etc would be much appreciated.
My internet searching seems to come up dry on this ...
- Don - AA7AU
I'm currently running it on a Debian server. I'll write an Raspbian installation unless someone beats me to it (I'll be out of town for a couple of weeks).
If you're comfortable with Linux, a Raspberry Pi is an ideal platform for Teamtalk. We loaded an RPI running the Teamtalk server down with 7 simultaneous video streams and CPU utilization was only about 15 percent.
I couldn't find an absolutely current procedure, but basically follow this for the basic installation:
Then finish the configuration with the steps here:
Hope that helps...
Can I be a user and a server at the same time?
Orv W6BI
One day we might get to a point of a pi image available largely pre-configured for standardisation and allow more NOOBs to get online.
Orv W6BI
Afterwards, I will image the pi.
Note - they assume some comfort with Linux command line and with a Linux editor (vi, vim, or nano all work).
Orv W6BI
- Don - AA7AU
This would allow faster downloads and less bandwidth on the server.
Compress: yes, however not everyone uses Torrent. Perhaps DropBox might also be another option - not sure on that size.
Just a thought,
- Don - AA7AU
Here is the image:
Here's what needs to be done to the image when reinstalled:
* sudo nano /etc/hostname change name of pi to what you want it to be know as, suggest CALLSIGN_Pi_teamtalk or similar - needs to be unique on the mesh.
* sudo nano /etc/teamtalk/tt5srv.xml
Change the teamtalk admin password from its current (same as pi's).
Or just delete the admin account completely. Your call.
Change the server's name (not the hostname but the name of the team-talk server)
Change the welcome message as required.
When you've logged in successfully with the client, verify you can manage user accounts on the server from the client. See if you can upload, download and delete files. I probably don't have the permissions set up for that. With admin rights you might be able to. As a test, create a test account for yourself without admin privs and see what it can do with the files area.
Followed that link and found MeshPi_1_TeamTalk5.zip
File size ~2.1 GB.
File unzips to 'disk.img' of size ~15 GB.
Note to installer: You will need a 16GB or larger SD card.
I would be nice if TeamTalk for Raspberry Pi was configured on a 4GB SD (or smaller) card and then
an image file was created and compressed.
Later, 'raspi-config' can expand the filesystem to the 'size-of' the SD card.
If I can find a small uSD card, I'll redo the install image. Don't have anything smaller than 32GB at the moment.
Orv W6BI
Disabled automatic 'resize2fs'
Gzips to 553 M (580 MB).
Expands to 2.1G (same as 2019-09-26-Raspbian-Buster-Lite.img).
If there is interest, help us find a torrent server.
Chuck's Raspberry Pi TeamTalk image can be found here: http://usercontent.arednmesh.org/N/C/NC8Q/20200122-rbl-tt54.img.gz
The README file is here: http://usercontent.arednmesh.org/N/C/NC8Q/README.txt
I tried the image from VK1MIC on a cleanly formatted 16GB MicroSD card on a 3B+ and here are a few resulting comments for anyone interested.
It boots up into the GUI (not CLI) with a preset monitor setting, I changed to "default monitor preferences";
I found that the Localization settings needed to be updated;
I used the desktop utility (not nano) to change the hostname (better that way);
I ran thru several full update/upgrade cycles and had several "undetermined errors" so followed suggestion to use "--fix-missing" switch;
All of which resulted into a full kernal update from 20190925 to 20200114;
I loaded a number of my favorite other support packages inclduing XRDP with non-standard port which seemed to work well;
Changed the text setup in the tt5srv.xml file (per above).
Now all I have to do is figure out how to use it ...
- Don - AA7AU
My project image is 2.1G (and remains so after booting).
Image gzips to ~580MB.
Over 400MB free RAM.
Boots into CLI.
DHCP client active on eth0.
The Raspbian defaults (ex. WiFi) are easily updated by running raspi-config.
Current localization: English(US), 104 key PC US keyboard, TZ=New York
Teamtalk defaults are easily updated by running ./tt5srv -wizard.
I don't recall if I did apt update, upgrade; but user may salt to taste.
After local optimization, this image can be easily modified to restore automatic resizing
and saved as a 2.1G image for placement on SD media.
I have an instance running on a RPi4-1G accessible from the local Mesh or internet.
Hi Orv,
Did you want to talk about your basic set up - like standard channels, use cases etc
Teamtalk can be used to share voice, video, files or desktops.
Each audio stream consumes no more than 30 kbps, so many simultaneous audio streams can be supported. Video streams, if restricted as recommended below, will typically occupy up to 350 kbps each to the server. If there are four users, those four 350 kbps stream gets sent out to four destinations, totaling ~1.4 Mbps each direction (for a ~2.8 Megabit/second total backbone load).
Hardware requirements are not onerous. Running on a Raspberry Pi 3, the load of one audio stream is not detectable. Running four or five video streams sized as below results in a observed backbone load of between 3 and 4 Megabits/second and a resulting CPU load of ~ 10%. YMMV, obviously. So size your backbone and manage your bandwidth consumption accordingly.
Many, but not all aspects of Teamtalk server administration can be done via the client, with the appropriate admin rights.

How's that?
Orv W6BI
A couple of us have been testing TeamTalk on various platforms. Currently I have a TT5 server running on a mesh-connected Raspberry Pi (RPI) and it seems to run quite well. One thing I have not been able to resolve is this error I get when trying to upload a file:
"The server reported an error: File sharing is disabled"
Is this regarding a directory in the RPI or is it a setting in TeamTalk? I have been unable to find where files are to be stored. I looked online as well as in the Help and have not found the answer. Can someone help?
Thanks, Mike ab4yy
gelmce@nc8q-teamtalk:~/Downloads/teamtalk $ ls -ltr
total 567076
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 37 Jan 23 12:51 data_1.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 579607836 Jan 23 13:04 data_2.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1067410 Mar 31 15:12 data_3.dat
gelmce@nc8q-teamtalk:~/Downloads/teamtalk $
Those '.dat' files are the 3 files I have shared on my teamtalk server.
So < in the installation directory >/teamtalk
Directory for file storage, e.g. /home/bill/srv1/files: ("/home/gelmce/Downloads/teamtalk")
Disk quota (in KBytes) per channel, 0 = disabled: ("999999999")
Maximum disk usage (in KBytes) for storing files: ("999999999")
Hope this helps, Chuck
gelmce@nc8q-teamtalk:~/Downloads/teamtalk-v5.4-raspbian-armhf/server $ ./tt5srv -wizard
TeamTalk Server configurator
Do you want to configure your TeamTalk Server? [Y/N] ("Y")
Configuring file: /home/gelmce/Downloads/teamtalk-v5.4-raspbian-armhf/server/tt5srv.xml
Ready to configure TeamTalk Server settings.
TeamTalk Server name: ("nc8q-teamtalk")
Message of the Day: ("")
Maximum users allowed on server: ("20")
Server should automatically save changes: [Y/N] ("Y")
Enable file sharing: [Y/N] ("Y")
Thanks, that helped a lot, especially your second post!
So now I can get the server working nicely with use file upload/download working. I just need to get it to auto-start as a service. I will try these instructions:
(It took a bit of doing but I finally got it all working and it starts nicely after rebooting.)
- Mike