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Welcome everyone to the Wisconsin Forum page of the AREDN project. My name is Joe Walesewicz (KD9USW) and I am located in Waupaca Wisconsin. I am a member of the Waupaca County ARES/RACEW unit and a member of Dronenet, a VOAD for drone operations in the state. Introduce yourself in this forum and please participate. The idea here is to provide a means for discussion and exchange of ideas for the purpose of establishing and expanding the use of high speed multi-media data transfer using ham radio in Wisconsin. The purpose oi to enhance the emergency communications system within the state and to make available to state and local emergency management. So to get the ball rolling, here is a thought. How are we feeling about a one day symposium cover the establishment of an AREDN station. We could look at the following items: 1, What is AREDN 2. What is a node and how do you create one 3. How to select and program a switch for multiple node attachment 4. Selecting and connecting a VOIP telephone I think that would be enough for one day. The intent would be to hold this in the central Wisconsin area so it is not a major trip for any one person. I would be looking for subject experts to assist in the discussions and it maybe a way to get some of this off the ground. Always open for thought...including yours. Speak up. Joe KD9USW
Tom Weeden WJ9H here from
Tom Weeden WJ9H here from Dodgeville WI (Iowa County). Just found your Wisconsin AREDN forum post. I'm up and running with a Microtik RB952Ui-5ac2nD-US and connected via tunnel to KC0WKP, formerly of Baraboo but now somewhere up north. I had been seeing lots of tunnel links to other Wisconsin stations, but they've disappeared lately. Might have to find another active tunnel for local links...anyone know of others? If you can locate me, I'm running several advertised services like a speed test, cameras, and some weather links. No RF activity around SW Wisconsin that I'm aware of. I have line of sight to the nice hill at Blue Mound State Park about 20 miles west of Madison. I like the idea of an AREDN meet-up. -73- Tom

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