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AREDN Awards


Thanks to the great AREDN team led by Orv W6BI, we had a significant presence at this year's SCALE event.

The photo shows the team manning the AREDN booth. 
 Left to right: 
Front: KE6BXT, KM6SLF.  
Rear: KJ6DZB, KN6PLV, N6RFI. W6BI. Missing: KG6WXC
And this year SCALE attendees voted the AREDN booth as "Best Presentation" 


​ARRL Awards 2018 Microwave Development Award to AREDN Team

​The ARRL announced that The Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) project team was named as recipient of the 2018 ARRL Microwave Development Award for its initiatives to utilize Amateur Radio’s microwave bands. These included extending the network’s high-speed multimedia capabilities from solely 2.4 GHz to 900 MHz, 3 GHz, and 5.8 GHz, and adding 802.11n protocol to improve data throughput. The Board also acknowledged the efforts of the many AREDN implementation groups around the country who are building networks based on this technology and who stand ready to utilize them to serve the needs of their communities in times of disaster. 

Following an introduction by Southwestern Division Directior Dick Norton N6AA, ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR presented the award to AREDN team members Randy Smith, WU2S and Andre Hansen, K6AH at the ARRL Members Forum at Hamvention 2019. 

MDA 2018
Image credit: Morgan Bauer, KN6AQX. Licensed under CC-By-SA 4.0 Image cropped and color adjusted.

K5UR presents MDA 2018
Image credit: Morgan Bauer, KN6AQX. Licensed under CC-By-SA 4.0 Image cropped and color adjusted.

WU2S and K6AH with MDA 2018
Image credit: Morgan Bauer, KN6AQX. Licensed under CC-By-SA 4.0 Image cropped and color adjusted.

AREDN Team Receives ARRL 2014 Microwave Development Award

Members of the AREDN Project accept  the 2014 ARRL Microwave Development Award for the microwave mesh networking advancements they achieved as the development arm of Broadband-Hamnet™ in 2014. Dick Norton, N6AA, Director-ARRL Southwestern Division, presented the award at the ARRL 2015 Southwest Division Convention's evening banquet.

From left to right: Randy Smith, WU2S; Conrad Lara, KG6JEI; Andre Hansen, K6AH; and Joe Ayers, AE6XE (not pictured: Darryl Quinn, K5DLQ and Gordon Beattie, W2TTT).



AREDN Team Receives ARRL Microwave Development Award 2014

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