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VOIP without PBX in AREDN networks

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N5MXI's picture
VOIP without PBX in AREDN networks

Anyone have experience setting up a PBX-less system like this? It seems alot less complicated than setting up a PBX and dealing with routing issues.

K6CCC's picture
It makes a lot of assumptions
It makes a lot of assumptions about the individual phones being able to share a phone directory.
Dial by IP works fine - at least on most devices (although a bit hidden on some).
We have one set-up here in
We have one set-up here in Switzerland. As K6CC mentions, we make some assumptions about our servers. But if you are connected to a supernode, you should be able to reach out to these servers. I could also add a phone number to the Swiss phone book for you to test.
(I am the guy with the video)
N2MH's picture
HB9BLA now on MeshPhone
FYI, HB9BLA just got his pbx up on MeshPhone. So, if you feel like talking directly to him about this topic, you can reach him on 141-4415.

73, Mark

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