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State Forum

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State Forum
How does a new state get listed in the forums.  It is time for Wisconsin to get in as some state ARES/RACES members want too start experimenting with Winlink through AREDN.
nc8q's picture
How does a new state get listed in the forums?
How does a new state get listed in the forums?
  1. Post a request in the 'General' Forum. <Completed>
  2. Wait and watch:

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WU2S's picture
Just ask and it is done
Thanks for asking.
Just got back from taking my grandkids on a short visit to the Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison and the USS Cobia in Manitowoc.
Wisconsin - Great State, Great Food, Great Beer.
Wi. Forum

You should have called.  Much more to see, especially with the kids.

Joe Walesewicz

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