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Nano-node or ? for southbay (Otay Mesa)

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Nano-node or ? for southbay (Otay Mesa)

I would be glad to host a node for southbay San Diego if it hasn't been done already.  I live at 864 Norstad St at an elevation of 217 feet and have a 40ft tower for use.  I will be procuring the necessary equipment and am looking for technical help in choosing the right router, switch, etc.  My call is: WA6KIN

K6AH's picture
Backbone on Mt Otay
Hi Jerry,

Well, you're in luck!  KK6YKC, Gary, just to the west of you in IB, has two nodes on the air... and Mt Otay, just to your east has an AREDN backbone cluster of nodes.  You might collaborate with Gary, see what's working for him, but I suspect a NanoStation M2 should do the trick.  You will find us on channel -2.  BTW, the San Diego Mesh Working Group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month, so I'd encourage you to join us.

You can get ahold of me direct at <callsign> (at)

Andre, K6AH

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