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There are NO alerts at this time. 


Meshoween is in a week!

Folks, next Saturday is Meshoween, where nasty packet storms strike terror into the most experienced ham network user :-)

Seriously, we'll be linking up big and small networks to see how our ham radio networks handle huge routing table broadcasts.

If you haven't yet updated your node(s) to nightly build 571 (or later), please seriously consider doing so.  It will  help your node fight off any scary packet storms!

Monitoring instructions will be promulgated a day or two prior to Meshoween.

Updated date: Saturday, October 23, 2021 - 17:31

It's Linktober!  "Meshoween" is coming :-)

We've found that as networks grow both in node count and complexity, it's almost inevitable that they'll suffer from a packet storm (or storms) eventually.

Now that the patch for mitigating those network packet storms has been rolled into an AREDN nightly build, we've decided that it's time to stress-test our network.  On October 30th (starting at say, 9 a.m. local time) we'll attempt to link as many networks together to see how the network behaves.  If you have a long-haul tunnel that you can bring up, feel free to do so.

HOWEVER, if you decide to participate in the test, or think you might be on a network that gets linked in, it's highly recommended that you update your node(s) to nightly build 571 or later to "inoculate" them against a possible incoming network storm.

Before October 30th, we'll provide a reminder and instructions on what to monitor during the test.
Thanks in advance for your consideration!  Please pass this along to your AREDN network neighbors.

Updated date: Monday, October 18, 2021 - 22:22

AREDN Conference 

The AREDN team decided to revisit the idea of an AREDN Conference in the Spring of 2022. There are currently a lot of tasks in progress with few of them far along enough to be interesting topics for a presentation.
Continue to watch the website for updates.


Updated date: Thursday, September 16, 2021 - 10:12

AREDN® Release v3.21.4.0 is Available

This release contains, among other things the following changes and fixes:
  • Fix spike to zero in SNR Chart #90 (ab7pa)
  • Execute Button Description #86 (ab7pa)
  • Add Rocket XM ar71xx image to support older models with USB port #83 (ae6xe)
  • Fix tunnel server clients accidentally limited to 9 #82 (pmilazzo)
  • Add “none” type advanced config options to simplify the UI #81 (dman776)
  • Update banner #80 (dman776)
  • update login banner #79 (dman776)
  • Add mesh gateway setting to sysinfo.json #77 (dman776)
  • Add advanced config option to purge AREDN Alert msgs #76 (dman776)
  • Update alert banner background color #72 (ab7pa)
  • Reset download paths upon upgrade to default #69 (dman776)
  • Upgrade to openwrt 19.07.7 #68 (ae6xe)
  • Add new Mikrotik model string for SXTsq5nD #62 (ae6xe)
Updated date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 - 13:54



Using AREDN Documentation

It is now easier than ever to read and save the AREDN documentation you need.
To find it, go to the blue main menu bar on the AREDNmesh home page and hover your cursor over the third item DOCS.
When the dropdown menu appears, move your cursor over the first item -- ONLINE DOCS -- and click it using the left mouse button.
A new page will appear [] with the latest set of published documents.
At the bottom left of the page, at the bottom of the Table of Contents column, you will see Read the Docs    v:latest ⯆ 

Read the Docs menu dropdown in Table of Contents

The v:latest ⯆ indicates that you are viewing the latest version of the documents and the ...

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Ham Radio Presentations at SCALE 17X on YouTube

The ham radio presentations from the SCALE 17X conference are now available on YouTube.

The presentations are:
1. Orv Beach, W6BI will detail that growth with emphasis on Southern California, with metrics, maps and graphs.  He'll also cover some of the more significant network events, including the ability to stream video of recent brush fires from networked mountaintop webcams to YouTube.

2. Paul Wilkinson, K6IG talks about “Raspberry Pi + HAM Radio = Inexpensive repeater system”. With little effort a very powerful HAM repeater can be made with a Raspberry Pi, two HAM radios, and an internet connection. Some additional, yet inexpensive, hardware is required.

3. Ben Kuo, AI6YR presents “Linux, Raspberry PI, RTLSDR, LAME, and Open Source: A Recipe For Responding To Natural Disasters”. He covers both the why's and how's of putting together your own Raspberry Pi-based, open source system to help your own local community tap into the power of the crowdsourcing and social media emergency management.

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