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CQ Magazine Article - Mesh Networking and AREDN

Don Rotolo, N2IRZ wrote an article, published in the January 2017 edition of CQ Magazine, updating readers on the world of mesh networking.

​We present the full article here, which was reprinted with permission from the January 2017 issue of CQ magazine, copyright CQ Communications, Inc.

Updated date: Thursday, August 2, 2018 - 21:47


Development Code Branch Now Available

Last year AREDN moved away from a formal set of beta test scripts and dedicated testers to a more agile beta general-release model.  Users were eager to get their hands on features they requested months earlier and help us test in preparation for a production release.   While we have been happy with the results, we have noticed that features that take a long time to develop only see the light of day months after development.  We have no easy way to learn from them before beta release.  Today, this is changing.
We are going to give anyone who wants it, access to the AREDN development branch builds, which includes the latest features we are developing… even before we are done with them!
We have been criticized by some for putting out too many releases.  Our philosophy, which does differ from some other organizations, is very much aligned to the vast majority of open source projects in the industry.  We are completely committed to following this successful model. It is an approach that is more suitable to our nature characterized by: dynamic requirements, a small number of developers, a culture that readily responds to change, and a user community of hams comprised of a highly technical subset who are mature enough to distinguish bleeding-edge from production-ready software.
AREDN uses a continuous integration build server (CircleCI)...
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Updated date: Sunday, July 24, 2022 - 20:39


HTML Map Contest

Hi AREDN Meshers!

The AREDN Team is looking for a few good men (and ladies)!  The new mapping feature that is in needs your help.
As some of you have seen, we have a good, workable KML map file.  We would like to hold a contest to use that KML to create the best HTML based map that we can host on the website.

To create an HTML embedded map that utilizes the AREDN kml files that can be hosted on

Front-end web development: Javascript, CSS, etc.


Your map should include (at minimum) the following (optional) query string parameters:

  • z=(...
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Updated date: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 22:42


New Paper on AREDN Published by TAPR

The Proceedings of the 2015 Digital Communications Conference include a paper, The AREDN Project by Andre Hansen, K6AH, which introduces AREDN, describes implementation techniques and concludes with a roadmap for the future.


Mesh technology has been around for ten years or more. Over the past two years a team of developers has advanced the art by porting Broadband‐Hamnet’s extremely popular mesh firmware to the Ubiquiti airMAX line of commercial Wireless ISP routers and expanded its utility across a wide range of microwave bands. This has literally changed the complexion of mesh technology from an experimental, hobby‐oriented, novelty into a viable alternative network suitable for restoring some degree of Inter/intra‐net connectivity “when all else fails.”

In the midst of this work the AREDN Project was kicked off to focus development on taking this technology to the next level in EMCOMM communications.

This paper begins with an introduction to the AREDN Project and mesh networking and concludes with a roadmap for the Project’s future. It dives into implementation techniques and aggressive plans to implement across broad portions of the Southwestern US.

Updated date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 - 15:50



Support AREDN with Amazon Purchases

Thinking of buying new AREDN mesh gear? You can now support the project with your Amazon purchases.

Amazon Smile


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Ham Radio 2.0 Interviews AREDN Developers

Jason KC5HWB continues to produce a great series of ham radio videos on YouTube. In Episode 159, Jason interviews Joe AE6XE and Darryl K5DLQ from the AREDN development team. They describe the many improvements in the latest AREDN release version and talk about the development process. They discuss the expanded list of supported devices which now includes the newer Ubiquiti AIrMax models and several units from Mikrotik.Joe and Darryl tell the viewers about our plans to provide a Raspberry Pi firmware installer which is being developed by K6RUN. 

Subscribe to Jason's YouTube channel and visit his website HamRadio2.0 Live from the Hamshack.

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