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AREDN code repositories on GitHub

AREDN code repositories on GitHub

The AREDN source code repositories are now accessible on GitHub at .   GitHub is one of the largest open source hosting services with over 40 million users.   Anyone with basic knowledge of Linux and git can now compile AREDN images and contribute changes.   If you have a background in application or firmware development, the hurdle to get started and contribute to the ham community is now much lower.

GitHub also includes an issue tracking feature to capture feature requests, bug reports, and other issues.  This immediately replaces our former defect tracking tool (Bloodhound).

​AREDN GitHub Activity

The GitHub setup is intended to jump AREDN forward to stay current, and benefiting from, the 1000+ developers of Linux and OpenWrt releasing a steady stream of advancements and fixes.    AREDN is now based on this stream.  By staying current, our community is able to focus on those features unique to the ham community.

The OpenWrt group produces a major release each year followed by 3 or 4 point releases in successive months.   The latest release candidate was published in June 2018 with a final release targeted in July. 

New Devices in AREDN GitHub

TP-Link is now shipping v2.0 of the CPE210 and CPE510 devices.  These devices have upgraded CPUs and require different firmware images you will find now building on AREDN GitHub.   The max power in channel “-2” is now 27dBm in 2GHz.

New Contributors    

Please welcome Andrew, KK4ZUZ, in the Houston area.   Andrew purchased a TP-Link CPE210 v2.0 device and discovered that no AREDN images supported it.  He then made contact, rolled up his sleeves, collaborated, started coding, and submitted Pull Requests into GitHub.   Thanks to Andrew, we now have coverage for the CPE210 and CPE510 v2.0 devices.

If you are interested in contributing, then become familiar with the GitHub workflow and submit your Pull Requests.  Regular code contributors will be invited to a periodic developer conference call.

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