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Wireless dropping periodically

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Wireless dropping periodically
I'm having a bit of an issue with my node and I'm not sure exactly where to start debugging it.

I have the standard hAP AC lite setup, it's connected to my home WiFi via the 5g radio, and is broadcasting on the 2.4g radio. It is sitting out in my living room. I have a grandstream WP810 wireless phone connected to the node on the 2.4g wifi and it's sitting here next to me on my office desk. Periodically the phone reports "Wifi disconnected" and then a minute or so later it reconnects to the network. This happens probably 2 or 3 times a day.

I'm not sure if this is an issue with my phone, or the hap? Is there some log or something I can use to try to figure out what's going on?

Just an update for anyone who
Just an update for anyone who may be having a similar issue. On a suggestion from another forum, I turned off the battery saver on my phone and that seems to have solved it. At least I haven't seen the phone report dropped wifi in the 2.5 work days I've been at my desk since then. If you're having the same issue you might give turning the battery saver off.

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