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Wifi scan trigger

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VA7NIC's picture
Wifi scan trigger

-->   Added a wifi scan trigger for when the "nodes detected" count becomes zero (resets wifi)

Is this procedure logged anywhere when it occurs, or perhaps a variable in /proc for a count of how many times it has been done?

We have a Ubiquiti  Rocket M5 XW with a sector antenna that randomly loses it RF connections.  The lan neighbours are still there.
A simple Wifi scan will bring back the rf neighbours.  I've been running a nightly release from about a week ago and I haven't seen if its still dropping and the trigger is fixing it, or if something has been changed and its not losing the RF anymore.

Nick - VA7NIC

KN6PLV's picture

It should log information to /tmp/rssi.log

Tim - KN6PLV

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