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Why reboots?

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Why reboots?
I apologize if this has been answered before, but I couldn't find any information on this. Why is it that after every settings change, there has to be a full reboot? It just seems like in order to change the IP address of the node, or to enable or disable Mesh Gateway, or other similar tasks, it's only necessary to restart the olsr service. It's not a major inconvenience, I'm just curious as to why.
AE6XE's picture
reboot required
K7DXS,   this is historic with the current UI design and implementation in perl.   Let's just say, the current UI can be greatly improved upon with a bit of sweat and effort.  None of the current developers working to improve AREDN today were involved when this UI was original created.   It was a great starting point, but now we want to re-implement it for a number of reason--lower memory footprint and efficiencies for an embedded platform, mesh status filtering and sorting, avoid reboots, and much more.

Alright. Thanks for the info!
Alright. Thanks for the info! Also, I'm curious, what's the current focus of development? Porting to Chaos Calmer?
AE6XE's picture
Chaos Calmer is in the
Chaos Calmer is in the current release candidate. We are focused on 1 showstopper issue to move to release. Beyond that you're already picking out the needs in consideration. Better UI for numerous reasons, support for newer hardware with more RAM, and more.

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