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Where is airOS 5.5.x for NSM5 XW?

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WL7COO's picture
Where is airOS 5.5.x for NSM5 XW?

A pair of NSM5 XWs with build date of 12/13/15 returns BAD/GOOD from UBOOT.
Unlike the same situation with new production NSM2 XMs, I don't seem to be able to locate airOS 5.5.x for them.  
Have I missed something (else) important?

I do not want to try and re-flash them with  "AREDN-"  before understanding what I've missed.

TIA & 73
...dan wl7coo

k1ky's picture
You want airOS 5.5.10 XW from UBNT available on their web site
You will need to "roll it back" to UBNT XW 5.5.10 BEFORE loading the AREDN Firmware.  It's available on the UBNT web site.  I can send it to you if you can't find it.
k1ky's picture
Here is a link XW 5.5.10
AE6XE's picture
There is a trick to navigate

There is a trick to navigate to the firmware.   it is not found when drilling down specifically to some devices, e.g. drilling down to NSM2 airmax device does not show the older firmware needed.   Here are a couple screen shots (follow the red starts) to click down.


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WL7COO's picture
Gentlemen, thank you both very much.

I couldn't find it but AE6XE's url worked.  
I want to believe I was doing something wrong, but I had just finished rolling back several M2 NSMs & Loco XMs.
Maybe XM has easier to locate roll back search paths or I picked the exact right moment to look  for XW's while ubnt was restoring  or swapping storage media.

Thanks again
73    ...dan 

too blurry
Need v5.5 for bullets and nanostations.
N8NQH's picture
was just flashing a host of
was just flashing a host of equipment to be installed at Hamvention in a few weeks.  The first thing I did was read all of them out and label them.

Image Attachments: 
Unable To Find XM V5.5.x For Rollback

Just received a pair of Air Routers to construct a demo network for local ARES Group. Units have XM 5.6.2. Was looking for a source of XM 5.5.x for a rollback. The link in k1ky's post above only brings up 6.5.x. There was a link on Google for a download but the box was empty. Any thoughts would be helpful.

Thank You
Bookmarked both for future use, hopefully won't be needed for too much longer.
N8NQH's picture
my web site
I have some of them on my web site for download:
K5DLQ's picture
Links are included in both
Links are included in both the INSTALLATION and SOFTWARE pages here on
Thanks AE6XE, Just downloaded
Thanks AE6XE, Just downloaded both. I have been trying to find them from

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