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What storage box for NanoBridge M5?

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What storage box for NanoBridge M5?
Here's a really boring question.

When not deployed, what is a reasonable storage container for a NanoBridge? I have a pair of them, don't want to spend $$$ on a Pelican case but want to keep the node(s) safe from getting knocked around. I want to keep them in separate boxes as I expect I may hand off to another AREDN member to deploy (or not as the case dictates).  Mine are the M5 22 DBi 13" dish.

Second question... should I disassemble the horn from the dish? That would make it more compact but I'm not sure that's good for the exterior of the horn where it insets into the receptacle. One of my NanoBridges seems to have suffered some damage in that department (before I got them off eBay).

I also have a Rocket and a Bullet with vertical antennas (5.8 GHz) which are much easier to figure out.
WU2S's picture
Good cases
I prefer the Seahorse brand cases I get from Feurte Cases.
That's more than I paid for the nodes! I'm thinking of something along the lines of a plastic hat box. I found a place locally, Galaxy Foam, who will cut to size. I got two Ridgid toolboxes (Home Depot for $39) lined with 1" dense foam cut to my specific dimensions for the total cost of $7.57. I was in shock when they named a price. I was expecting to pay at least three times that much. I've bought two sets of those boxes for my go kits. For the NanoBridges though I'm seeking something a bit smaller so that packing the truck is a bit easier. I may have to get serious about the shell I've been thinking about.

Anyhow, if I can find the right container that's the plan... line it with foam on the bottom, sides, and top with a single NanoBridge nestled inside. I'm still debating about dismounting the "horn" e.g. router from the dish. I suppose if the little nubs break off I can shim it with something for a tight fit.
Office Depot to the rescue!

Well, I did some shopping today and found an inexpensive solution. Not nearly as good as the Ridgid boxes, nor the Seahorse/Pelican cases, but I think it will work fine. I don't plan to be like an airport baggage gorilla and see how far I can heave this box. It definitely won't stand up to that.

At Office Depot I found a plastic file tote box that's just the right size and on sale at $7.99 each. I came home, measured the inside, and took a trip over to Galaxy Foam. For another $9 and change (total for both boxes!) I now have the boxes lined top, bottom, and all four sides each with 1" J90 foam. That's cut to size per the dimensions I gave them. These guys are not charging me enough! (can't believe I just said that). I might consider getting a couple of baggage straps just to make sure the lids stay on, but with sensible handling I think this will keep the NanoBridges from getting banged up and dinged between deployments. It's probably overkill, but I didn't break the bank so I'm going to call this one a win!

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