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Welcome North Dakota Amateurs

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KE0FYY's picture
Welcome North Dakota Amateurs

 I would like to encourage North Dakota Hams to join the discussion of our current plan and continued deployment of the MESH network in the Fargo metro area. This project has been discussed for a long time, and finally got some traction. In conjunction with the Red River Radio Amateur's ARES group and FM Ambulances new Amateur radio club, working with city and county Emergency Managers, we have finally secured several locations around the area to get the beginning of our backbone up and in place. With some amazing donations from FM Ambulance, the Fargo Marathon and RRRA we are working on getting three nodes up in the Fargo-Moorhead Metro area with 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz user access and all three nodes being linked by 3.4GHz. Our end goal is to have this operational by Marathon time (which is quickly approaching) to demonstrate its usefulness to the local Emergency Managers, to possibly get access to more locations and perhaps some more donations for even more nodes. 

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