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VLANs on AirRouter WAN port?

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VLANs on AirRouter WAN port?
I'm trying to do a VLAN switch setup on my AirRouter, but I just realized that the tutorials expect you to use a normal LAN port. How do I set this up on the WAN port so I can power it off of the same cable as I use for data? (Only accepts PoE in on WAN port)
Modifying the port
Modifying the port assignments is currently not supported.

AREDN is designed around standardized deployments, the expectation with airrouter is the WAN port is a WAN port, and then there are 3 LAN ports and a DTDLINK port.
So does that mean I can't use
So does that mean I can't use VLANs on the WAN port? Or does that mean I can't use VLANs at all? Or what does it mean?
The WAN port is an untagged
The WAN port is an untagged port that is assigned to the AREDN "WAN" interface inside of the configuration.   Its dedicated to that feature, you can plug it into yoru existing network switch gear and have it do vlan segmentation of the data,  but you can't assign the LAN interface or DTDLink interfaces to the WAN port.

If your looking for a device with a single cable thatn is not really what the AirRouter is used for and you would probably be better off with just a bullet which uses everything on one port for power and data.  The AirRouters are intended to be small units that break out all the ports for you (so you don't need a managed switch)
I want the AirRouter because
I want the AirRouter because it has a switch built into it, so I can plug multiple devices into it without needing a separate device. My main question at this point I guess is can I pipe WAN through the LAN port via a VLAN tagged switch?
The LAN ports are for LAN
The LAN ports are for LAN only on an AirRouter, they do not accept WAN or other signals on them.
Is there a reason for that? I
Is there a reason for that? I don't see any way it would hinder the functionality or standardization (rather, it would increase the standardization). I believe all other UBNT devices support this.
This is a well known
This is a well known limitation of the switch hardware and is documented in the forums and is the same issue around XW Ubiquti devices like the Rocket-XW requiring two cables.

In addition the AirRouter is treated similar as a bullet with smartswitch built in,  so you end up its already 'standardized' to majority of other supported devices but its just inside of a single case and doesn't need your interaction to configure the smartswitch.  The AirRouter isn't intended to be an 'all around' device its a very specific mission of providing a break out of the different port types in one unit and not combining them together.

Personably I rather break it out with dedicated devices and I rather tower mount the unit which makes the AirRouter a no-go on many fronts but there are some who don't like this method so the AirRouter fills that very specific need of being broken out already and not to require interaction.
Okay, I see the limitation
Okay, I see the limitation now, the switch hardware. Thanks!

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