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Ubiquiti Litebeam M5 Firmware

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Ubiquiti Litebeam M5 Firmware
I have a Litebeam M5 that is running  I wanted to get this node updated to the newer firmware to match my other Mikrotik nodes.  I do have the node on a smart switch that allows it to get Internet access (using vlans).  I have tried several ways to update the node:
  • Administration page - When I click the Refresh button under the Firmware Update, I get a 404 error.  It seems to be trying to download and I have verified that does not work.  When I back off the firmware.lbe-m5.list, I don't see anything starting with firmware.  I have looked at the which says this directory is Old Firmware.
  • Using the main Software - Download Software from the main AREDN website. and the 2025-0111-0ffe33da (nightly) are the only selections that show any firmware for my Lightbeam.  When I download the SYSUPGRADE, and upload the file to the webpage, the node looks like it processes the file but after it reboots, the node acts like it is dead.  When I renew my IP address on my computer, I get a IP.  I can browse to the and get a firstboot page.  When I enter the correct information, the node reboots and the page says it will refresh to a 10.x.x.x address.  When I renew my IP, I never get a 10.x.x.x address but still stuck with  When I browse to the, I am again presented with the firstboot page, like it is not saving the information.
  • Using tftp and using the FACTORY file - I downloaded the nightly build for the FACTORY image.  Using tftp, I am able to send the FACTORY file for the nightly build.  Just like the SYSUPGRADE, I am in a loop and never get past the firstboot setup.  I have tried to telnet to the and I can connect and also confirm the node has NOCALL setup.
  • Going back to, I have no problems getting past the firstboot.
Is there a way to manually setup the node using telnet?  I am familiar with unix/linus systems and using vi is no problem.  I could tar and scp any file(s) off the node.  Any help in getting it upgraded would be appreciated.

Edit: I tried creating a file and then rebooting the node.  After rebooting, the file is missing.  This suggests that the filesystem is not committing changes before rebooting.  I wonder if the filesystem that is loaded is really a virtual filesystem in ram.  While I have been a user of nodes for a few years, I don't know all the deep workings of how a node operates in the hardware.  Because the files are not persistent across boots, the node always thinks it is in firstboot mode.

I feel like I might be getting closer.  I think part of the problem is the size of mtdblock5.  On the system, mtblock5 is 2.6M with 2.4M free (on firstboot).  On the 20250111-0ffe33da system, mtblk5 is 1.9M with 0 free.  mtblk5 is mounted as /overlay for both system.  From what I can tell, /overlay is where all the "changes" are made and stored.


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