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Ubiquiti Bullet AC

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Ubiquiti Bullet AC
I'm flashing the Ubiquiti Bullet AC 3.24.10 and following the instructions it does come up but:
1) Switches from to and does DHCP service.
2) Only Telnet and ssh services running, no webservice.
3) The ash CLI is running and you can telnet or ssh in.

So sysupgrade to the nightly build, now web service works with the new UI but lots of stuff missing. I can change the node name, password, and location, but the usual "todo" list isn't there, just a blank yellow area. Most normal new UI stuff is missing.

Did I do something wrong is should I just be patient?
Jed Marti KI7NNP
Salt Lake City Utah
What firmware file did you install?
What firmware file did you install?  I don't see the Ubiquiti Bullet AC in the Supported Devices list.
I went to the Download page
I went to the Download page and there it was when you type Bullet AC. Evidently not ready for the new hardware  architecture. I'm jumping the gun. Oh well.

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