Just starting out with AREDN so currently only have the Mikrotek hAP Life and seems it's lonely AREDN world around the UK.
Would be nice to get a tunnel setup and hopefully if I can sort some money out for a couple of ptp links it'd be fun to try and integrate it into mobile POTA. There's a couple parks that should be possible and maybe can drum up more interest locally to build out.
Would be nice to get a tunnel setup and hopefully if I can sort some money out for a couple of ptp links it'd be fun to try and integrate it into mobile POTA. There's a couple parks that should be possible and maybe can drum up more interest locally to build out.
That would great. I couldn't do much without a tunnel so put it on hold and been looking at other projects.
Was also looking at amprnet too but not managed to get a router to work with that either.