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Tunnel Request for Atlanta/Chattanooga Area

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K4JSY's picture
Tunnel Request for Atlanta/Chattanooga Area
I recently just moved to the North Atlanta area and trying to get my feet wet with Aredn. I live in an HOA and trying to figure out how to stealthly get my node on RF. But for now I would like to request a tunnel to see what Aredn has to offer. Thank you 
w6bi's picture
"Stealthy" nodes
Jeremy, an HOA has to let you install a satellite dish.  If you put a Mikrotik LDF5 ac at the feedpoint of an old satellite dish, you'll get 23-25 dBI gain.  And they'll never notice it's not pointed at a synchronous satellite :-)

Also, for a tunnel, check the global AREDN  map and see if you recognize any callsigns in your area:
They can probably point you to someone running a local tunnel server.

Orv W6BI
Chattanooga area tunnels
If you are still interested in a Chattanooga Area Tunnel check out  
Dewayne KE4IDH

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