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terminal command to adjust node settings over SSH?

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KM6SLF's picture
terminal command to adjust node settings over SSH?

I'm interested in being able to change a setting - specifically "Allow other MESH nodes to use my WAN" - over SSH. Is there a way to accomplish this? And if so, how?

P.S. I'm familiar with logging into the node over SSH and have explored the file system. 

I also want to learn how to
I also want to learn how to get into these devices with SSH.  From the main page there is a Docs tab.  If you search in there for SSH you'll find some articles about PUTTY and SSH Keys etc.  I haven't yet had time to do a deep dive and read all of the information.  It seems that troubleshooting and getting detailed reports from the AREDN devices involves understanding SSH and using a terminal to go into Linux part of the device directly. 

If I ask here for help how to understand and use SSH I'll probably get told that is outside the scope of this forum wink  so most likely I'll have to figure this out elsewhere.   73, Ed
w6bi's picture
SSH to an AREDN node
Basically, using either Putty or OpenSSH (available on Windows 10 but not enabled by default), the command is

ssh -p 2222 root@<nodename>
You'll be asked for the node's password.

What you do once you're logged in is indeed beyond the scope of the forum, but if you ask a specific question you'll probably get an answer.

Once done, type 'exit' to log off the node.

Hope this helps.

Orv W6BI
k1ky's picture
SSH to an AREDN node

One thing that I find is most useful is to "reboot" nodes that otherwise are difficult to get into the GUI, giving them a "fresh" start.  I also use it to drop modified swconfig files for expanded DTD ports.  I use WINSCP and putty for access.

KM6SLF's picture
Do you think that could be
Do you think that could be used to adjust the WAN sharing setting?
k1ky's picture
Do you think that could be
If you or I knew where to look (what config file?) I'm sure you could.  Best try the Slack or Mattermost forums for that question.

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