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***the target machine actively refused it

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***the target machine actively refused it
In trying to set up peer-to-peer Telenet connections between two nodes in my shack.  I get the "*** Connection failed: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" message.  

I tried several combinations of nodes and IPv4 addresses.  I did make one or two valid connections and passed the traffic.  But I could not repeat the feat with no changes to the settings.  Once a connection was made but then no data was exchanged.
If the connection between the two nodes is wireless and there is a separate computer using Winlink Express connected by either net to each of the model GL-AR 150 ext smart routers, which node(s) should the two computers/stations be connected to?  Which IP address goes in the station information fields?  Does port 8774 get change?
Any help, enlightenment, a table, a diagram would be most appreciated.

Steve KI0KY

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