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MikroTik quickMOUNT Extra

I picked up some of these to try.  I do not have any permanently mounted yet.  One of the challenges of the nodes we use is wall mounting as most are designed only for poles. These might work for 6 bucks.  It might be better than a steel pipe, elbow, and a floor flange!

Strengthened with Unobtainium. Or something.

Shown is a PowerBeam 300.  There are 4 pre-drilled screw holes for the wall as well places to strap it to a larger pole.

Maximum "right" azimuth.  If on the corner of a building it will actually go well beyond 90 degrees.

Max "left" aziumth, The Powerbeam mount starts to get buried but is still reachable.


Max azimuth for a Nanostation. It does hit the mount at this point.

If mounted with one strap azimuth can go >90 degrees.

They also make a half-size one. (Commercial photo)



Does this come with the metal
Does this come with the metal U attachment?
Nope. The PowerBeams come with the U-Bolt system as shown. Nanostations have a plastic zip tie which I've never used. Mikrotiks come with a metal ring (hose clamp). Ian

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