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Seeking BPQ BBS forwarding tunnel with Oregon

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Seeking BPQ BBS forwarding tunnel with Oregon

Dale C Harris
Willamette View Amateur Radio Club
12705 SE River Rd Apt 608 D
Portland, OR 97222

Page managed by KF7GNL
No email address or AREDN contact for W7VW or Dale KF7GNL
W7VW-HAMAKER   4.40    
  Hamaker-PktAPRS     BPQ Node
  W7VW-HAMCAM-01     Hamaker Cam 01

73, Chuck
BPQ in Klamath Falls
Charlie here.  President of Klamath Basin Amateeur Radio Association (KBARA).  We are W7VW.  I'm familiar with AREDN and BPQ.  How can I be of assistance?

nc8q's picture
Seeking BPQ BBS forwarding tunnel with Oregon: K7AKT
Hi, Charlie:

Thank you.
I've had 3 offers to route OR.USA.NOAM:

Best: K5DAT Lee in Wisconsin of which I have an RF link
Good: N5MDT Mark in Texas of which I have an AXIP link
Pending: K7EK Gary in Kentucky of which I have no link, yet.

I was considering that, if I needed to create an new AXIP link and
since I am seeing more and more BPQ-BBSs on the AREDN World Map,
I wanted to create the new link via AREDN instead of NETROM.

If your BBS is available via the (supernodes) AREDN World Map links, I would like to
establish a BPQ BBS AXIP link between us.

73, Chuck


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