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Running U-Boot under Ubuntu and Wine.

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AE4ML's picture
Running U-Boot under Ubuntu and Wine.

Good morning all I came across several ubuquiti nodes and decided to run UBoot to see where they stood before I flashed them.
well one problem. I dont own a windows laptop so I tried to use wine and I get this error

ae4ml-DeskComputer:/home/ae4ml/Downloads# wine AREDN\ U-Boot\ Test\ v1.1.4.0\ setup.exe
err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"LaunchConditions" returned 1603

Has anyone successfully used U-boot program under Ubuntu ?

AE6XE's picture
I've not tried this.  The
I've not tried this.  The good news is that in, there is a fix to be compatible with all  of  the versions of AirOS out there today-- by this I mean an attempt to upload won't brick ubiquiti devices anymore.  We'll be able to obsolete the u-boot check program.   Note however, there's  a fix in the pipeline so that AirOS will accept and load the firmware on the latest AirOS versions. 

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