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reporting data rate mode

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reporting data rate mode

Im looking to discuss the use of radio's data rate. Metrics that are provided in the "support data" file. There is some good stuff in the data.txt. The support file dump. Can this be polled like the link ext metrics are?

The MeshMap can plot this information! and unlike the line color...its a numerical value! It all comes from httpinfo plugin? 

I was pointed to AB7PA to ask? 

========== iwinfo ==========
wlan0     ESSID: "AREDN-10-v3"
          Access Point: 44:D9:E7:4E:98:07
          Mode: Ad-Hoc  Channel: 177 (5.885 GHz)
          Tx-Power: 21 dBm  Link Quality: 34/70
          Signal: -77 dBm  Noise: -95 dBm
          Bit Rate: 40.1 MBit/s
          Encryption: none
          Type: nl80211  HW Mode(s): 802.11an
          Hardware: unknown [Generic MAC80211]
          TX power offset: unknown
          Frequency offset: unknown
          Supports VAPs: yes  PHY name: phy0wlan0-1   ESSID: unknown
          Access Point: 46:D9:E7:4E:98:07
          Mode: Monitor  Channel: unknown (unknown)
          Tx-Power: 21 dBm  Link Quality: unknown/70
          Signal: unknown  Noise: -95 dBm
          Bit Rate: unknown
          Encryption: unknown
          Type: nl80211  HW Mode(s): 802.11an
          Hardware: unknown [Generic MAC80211]
          TX power offset: unknown
          Frequency offset: unknown
          Supports VAPs: yes  PHY name: phy0========== iwinfo wlan0 assoclist ==========
68:72:51:40:4F:5D  -74 dBm / -95 dBm (SNR 21)  10 ms ago
RX: 81.0 MBit/s, MCS 4, 40MHz               165868884 Pkts.
TX: 65.0 MBit/s, MCS 7, 20MHz               116964968 Pkts.
expected throughput: 41.1 MBit/sB4:FB:E4:58:29:6D  -79 dBm / -95 dBm (SNR 16)  270 ms ago
RX: 43.3 MBit/s, MCS 10, 20MHz               2667519 Pkts.
TX: 21.7 MBit/s, MCS 2, 20MHz                 153628 Pkts.
expected throughput: 13.6 MBit/s
========== iw dev wlan0 station dump ==========
Station 68:72:51:40:4f:5d (on wlan0)
inactive time: 10 ms
rx bytes: 209898439952
rx packets: 165868929
tx bytes: 20234098591
tx packets: 116965018
tx retries: 6054279
tx failed: 386
rx drop misc: 1936
signal:   -74 [-75, -81] dBm
signal avg: -74 [-74, -83] dBm
tx bitrate: 65.0 MBit/s MCS 7
rx bitrate: 19.5 MBit/s MCS 2
rx duration: 0 us
last ack signal:18 dBm
expected throughput: 44.677Mbps
authorized: yes
authenticated: yes
associated: yes
preamble: long
WMM/WME: yes
MFP: no
TDLS peer: no
DTIM period: 0
beacon interval:100
short slot time:yes
connected time: 1595321 seconds
Station b4:fb:e4:58:29:6d (on wlan0)
inactive time: 620 ms
rx bytes: 786438161
rx packets: 2667521
tx bytes: 24049071
tx packets: 153628
tx retries: 22014
tx failed: 61
rx drop misc: 343
signal:   -80 [-82, -83] dBm
signal avg: -80 [-82, -84] dBm
tx bitrate: 21.7 MBit/s MCS 2 short GI
rx bitrate: 43.3 MBit/s MCS 10 short GI
rx duration: 0 us
last ack signal:15 dBm
expected throughput: 13.366Mbps
authorized: yes
authenticated: yes
associated: yes
preamble: long
WMM/WME: yes
MFP: no
TDLS peer: no
DTIM period: 0
beacon interval:100
short slot time:yes
connected time: 231635 seconds

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