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Repeater Linking - Yaesu System Fusion WIRES-X

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k1ky's picture
Repeater Linking - Yaesu System Fusion WIRES-X
I wanted to provide an update on our repeater linking project on our AREDN Southmesh system. We have been successful in getting a Yaesu System Fusion Repeater and other nodes hooked up with the Yaesu System Fusion WIRES-X HRI-200 interface.  We used SMART VPN with the Smart Switch option $60 / yr to provide the forwarding of the ports needed to make this work.  Has anyone else done this?  Are there any other /better /cheaper options available to satisfy the port forwarding requirements of the HRI-200?  Remember that the ports must be made available regardless of where the internet is coming from.
kg9dw's picture
The HRI-200 just needs a few
The HRI-200 just needs a few ports forwarded into the mesh. You can certainly do this easily without adding any hardware if your internet gateway that is connected to your VLAN switch for a node has a REAL, routable IP address. The same thing works for Echolink, ICOM D-STAR, etc. 

If you don't need a REAL ip address, and all connections are outbound, it is much easier. For instance my two non-ICOM D-STAR repeaters don't require any inbound port forwarding to connect to reflectors so I don't have to have a real IP. But if anyone wants to connect inbound to them, you have to have the real IP. 

Search the forums for port forwarding, DNAT, SNAT and you'll find the solutions. You shouldn't need to purchase any hardware beyond a VLAN capable switch in order to make this work. 

good luck, 73, Mike
k1ky's picture
No additional hardware
No, we're not using any additional hardware.  It's the VPN service to which I am referring.  It appears that the "Smart Switch" subscription handels that with SMART VPN.  My home router is already busy with another WIRES-X node, so I can't use it if I wanted to.
K5DLQ's picture
ah.  I think I read that
ah.  I think I read that somewhere that you cannot have more than one WIRES-X behind a single firewall/nat.
kg9dw's picture
Same as Icom's D-STAR
Same as Icom's D-STAR implementation (not the G4KLX version), and Echolink. Anything that needs inbound ports can't have more than one behind one pubilc IP.

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