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Release of MeshChat v2.12.0

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Release of MeshChat v2.12.0
MeshChat v2.12.0 has now been released. It has been a long time in coming and it has a lot of rework of the web UI code to handle messages more uniformly and make most of the interface event driven for performance and future enhancements. Everything should be working the same as what everyone is used to with some bug fixes to address one or two usability problems.

One of the changes that was added to this release is that settings should now be put in the meshchat_local.lua file in the cgi-bin directory. When you install any version after v2.12.0 meshchat_local.lua will be created from any meshchatconfig.lua that is present. All new versions of MeshChat will now replace meshchatconfig.lua during the upgrade so any changes you put there will be lost on an upgrade. Please make all changes to settings only in meshchat_local.lua. 

Another feature now allows the MeshChat administrator to set the default channel that is displayed when one connects to MeshChat. No longer do users need to be exposed to the Everything channel and have to sort through messages or change channels to start using MeshChat. Certainly the user can select the Everything channel if the administrator has setup the default channel, but they don't have to receive it when they first connect to MeshChat.

There is a new documentation site for the new versions of MeshChat: This is an ongoing effort to get documentation around the new versions of MeshChat and will continue developing over the next couple of releases. If you find something missing, please feel free to create a Feature Request issue and explain what is missing.

The AREDN node package can be downloaded from the release page for v2.12.0.

Gerard, WT0F
Thank you, Gerald!   I look forward to trying this new release out.

Question: I host MeshChat on a couple Raspberry Pi 3Bs.  Is there a version for that platform, or will I need to compile/build it to support that platform?

73s and, again, thank you!
At this point, the v2.12.0
At this point, the v2.12.0 version will do nothing for you. Now that this version is out the door, I will be working on updating the code base so that it can run on a Linux OS so that everyone running on a non-node platform can upgrade to a recent version. So hold on for a while and wait for the v2.13.0 release.

Gerard, WT0F

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