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Rack mount options?

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Rack mount options?
Hi There,

I was thinking about the local mesh and was wondering if AREDN's MikroTik firmware may run on other devices like the MikroTik RB1100 or rb1200.

Long story short, I'm looking for something that could be used in a server cabinet which would house various permanent services and maybe have this node also function as a tunnel server or client. I already have server racks in two locations with services, but right now I'm using Nanostations to do the "meshing". I'd much prefer to clean up the installation (and make things easier to maintain) by utilizing a more robust piece of rack mount gear.

WU2S's picture
Not supported
Neither device is supported by OpenWRT, so no.
K6CCC's picture
Shelf for hAP
I use Mikrotik RB-750 routers for my home networking. They have the same form factor as a hAP. I have them mounted in a shelf made to mount up to three such devices in a single rack unit. I will post a link when I get to a computer
K6CCC's picture
Rack Mount shelves for Mikrotik hAP

This is the triple mount that I have for my two RB-750s:
And this is a single mount that also has room for a power supply on the shelf.  It's listed as being for the RB-450, but as I recall, that is the same size as a hAP.
I would check measurements to make sure the hAP will fit, but it looks like it will.

Soo... where to buy?
I guess the next question would be where to buy one of the triple mounts. Gonna have to contact them to ask. Not having any luck with Google. If all else fails... I know of a shop that could make me a couple.
K6CCC's picture
Availability = good question...
That may be a good question.  I bought the one triple mount that I am using from Baltic Networks -
However they are no longer listing the triple mount and are out of stock on the single mount.
I figured they weren't supported as I couldn't find any info on Openwrt for them.

RE: K6CCC... I may go with that rack mount option. That'd be easier than what I was thinking of doing which was opening the MikroTik cases & removing the boards & installing them in a 1u aluminum case.

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