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Problems getting mesh gateway to work

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KG7LMI's picture
Problems getting mesh gateway to work
I am trying to set up an Internet connection on one of the 2 nodes I have under test without success. I have a PTP network running on both nodes. One of the 2 nodes has the following mesh gateway configuration:
- mesh gateway is enabled
- WAN config:
- static IP
- gateway
- DNS 1 & 2 the defaults
The WAN address shows up on the status page and the default gateway is shown as The node with the gateway is connected to a Netgear GS105Ev2 configured exactly as shown in the "how to" on setting up VLANs. The VLAN10 ports clearly work as the laptop has a DHCP address from the node and can reach the other mesh node over WiFi also. However, I have no Internet connectivity. When I ping from a laptop on the node's LAN, it works, but any address beyond gets an immediate ICMP not reachable message back. This includes If I try a traceroute to an Internet address from a laptop on the node without the gateway, it is rejected immediately by the node it is connected to. This implies to me that the mesh gateway node is not being advertised on the mesh (perhaps because the Internet is unreachable?) becuse it never tries to forward it to the other mesh node. Am I correct that the mesh gateway is being handled entirely separate from the OLSR routes? There is no advertised route there (again, maybe becuase it is not reachable?). The Netgear utility shows that port 5 is sending and receiving packets, and it shows as "up" on the status page. I am going to work on mirroring port 5 to 4 as another VLAN 1 port to see what is happening on the VLAN, but this is my first time trying to diagnose a VLAN issue (assuming it is one) so this is a shot in the dark. Not sure where to go next. Any suggestions on what is wrong, where I should look, or how to get more info to diagnose this? Thanks. 73, Rob
K5DLQ's picture
Can you provide screenshots
Can you provide screenshots of your VLAN config?
KG7LMI's picture
Please see attached files. 73, Rob
Image Attachments: 
Can you also attach a node
Can you also attach a node support data file as well.
KG7LMI's picture
support data file
This is from the node with the WAN connection and Mesh Gateway enabled.
Support File Attachments: 
It appears (at the very least
It appears (at the very least) to have an IP address conflict on your WAN port.

The switch has IP and the mesh node has IP ip address which is in conflict.

Being the switch is in between the mesh node and the router( I would expect the switch to get the packets first and discard them.
KG7LMI's picture
I'm unclear on what the software is doing behind the scenes here wrt the VLAN. I agree the one it had is incorrect, it just happened to be the last one in place when I was trying to debug it. Here's what I have tried: - WAN IP -> DHCP Result: nothing happens - no address is assigned and there is no default gateway - WAN IP -> a different free static IP address on my home network (e.g. Result: the status page shows the WAN address as and the default gateway is set to but I still cannot reach anything beyond the WAN port. I cannot ping from my home network either. A traceroute of goes first to the node's LAN address then I get destination unreachable It still seems to be that there is something amiss in the VLAN, but not sure how to diagnose that. Confused. Rob
K5DLQ's picture
Do you have the node plugged
Do you have the node plugged into port 1 and a cable from your home network plugged into port 5?
Have you reset the switch and node (WAN) back to DHCP to simplify the scenario?
KG7LMI's picture
Node - port 1
Node - port 1
Laptop - port 3
WAN - port 5
As noted in my previous post, setting the WAN port to DHCP on the node results in no connection at all, which seems to be telling. I have not tried running the GS105 in DHCP mode but I will try that and report back if that changes anything. BTW, I did do a factory reset and re-config yesterday on the GS105 with no improvement. Only other thing I can think of is that there is something wrong with the GS105. I will try a different VLAN config just to ensure it passes traffic. Rob
Since this is an M5 XW device
Since this is an M5 XW device are you using the "Secondary" port on the NanoStation to the mesh node?

On XW NanoStation's the LAN is on port 1 (and only the lan is on port 1) while the WAN and DTDLink are on Port 2 of the NanoStation
KG7LMI's picture
Thank you!!!
AH-HA!! A key piece of missing info! I used the Secondary port and now everything is working. Thank you - really appreciate that. BTW, is this documented anywhere? I was not able to find that important caveat. 73, Rob
WU2S's picture
Nanostation Secondary Port
KG7LMI's picture
Well, yes, they are, and I did find them afterwards and read through them. Should help when we do DtD. However ... while the topic is indeed related and pertinent, it is not easily found when the symptom is the mesh gateway not working. If I had known the secondary port was required, it would have been a no-brainer. However, that was the key piece of missing info, so I didn't. Later in July I may do a writeup on how to configure the Mesh Gateway. Is there a formal submission process for submitting how-tos? I'm sure other newbs are going to run into this issue as well. 73, Rob
WU2S's picture
Submission process for How-To
There isn't a formal process for document submissions at this time. If you send your How To directly to me, I will make sure that the AREDN team reviews it and gets it ready for publication.
KG7LMI's picture
Process doc
 Thanks, I will do that. We are working a fire in the state currently, so it may be a while, but I will plan to do it.
Is there any  particular format you would like to see this in? Word, PowerPoint, Markdown? 

WU2S's picture
Document Format
For text documents, either Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer formats are preferred. Almost any document format you normally use is likely to be acceptable since we can convert a document to another format as needed.
KG7LMI's picture
OK, Word it is. Thx.  Rob
OK, Word it is. Thx. 

zl4dk's picture
I think (and I could be wrong) that you most likely need to set your WAN config to on your mesh gateway node to DHCP, or however you would normally set a device connected to the internet at this point. Note that VLAN1 travels through your Netgear GS105Ev2 to the internet port and therefore does not use this as a gateway (if this makes sense).
K5DLQ's picture
Static addressing on the WAN
Static addressing on the WAN is a valid/supported configuration.

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