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Presentation for Emergency Services

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EI5HBB's picture
Presentation for Emergency Services


I am a member of AREN a voluntary emergency radio communications group here in Ireland.
I have been asked to give a short 15 minute presentation to the emergency services about what AREDN Mesh would offer.
Is there a set of generic slides that would show what the advantages could be?


Eoghan Kinane

WU2S's picture
Presentation slides
You will find several AREDN presentations at the following link:
Or select "Presentations" from the dropdown menus under Docs.
EI5HBB's picture
Thank you, I will use the one
Thank you, I will use the one from this March. Is it possible to get it so I can edit the slides? Just want to change some regional differences etc...
WU2S's picture
Presentation format
At this time we are supplying our AREDN presentations in PDF format only.

Just like any other organization, we need to maintain control over what is presented as coming from the AREDN project and represents our brand.
We are considering supplying some presentation materials with to assist people who want to talk about AREDN, but who are not members of the AREDN team. Any such materials that we may offer in this manner would have a format to distinguish them from official AREDN presentations..
EI5HBB's picture
i can appreciate that. I
i can appreciate that. I mostly wanted to convert to metric and euro pricing.
K6AH's picture
You *can* use the content...
You are welcome to reuse the content... just not the AREDN-branded background.  Feel free to cherry-pick anything from those presentations.

Andre, K6AH

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