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powering a Mikrotik hAP lite via a PoE switch

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powering a Mikrotik hAP lite via a PoE switch
So the hAP has a PoE IN port. Unfortunately, it's set as the WAN port by default. I need ti to be a trunk to the PoE switch so I can connect DtD nodes and LAN devices to the PoE switch and have it work properly. Is there a way to do this?
KG7LMI's picture
hAP via PoE

Yes. One simple way is to connect the network connection from the PoE switch to a PoE splitter, which will split off the power to a female DC connector and the network to an RJ45. However,

*** CAUTION ***

The hAP takes 8 - 30V input, so this will NOT run on standard (802.3af/at) power. This is true when using port 1 (WAN) to power the hAP as well. You can get 24V PoE switches, but it may be easier to just use a power injector such as this one. I have used both the splitter and the injector linked in this post and can attest that they work. It's a bit kludgy, but it does allow you to run a single wire for data and power, which is the actual point, after all.

73, Rob

I'm really looking for
I'm really looking for something that doesn't require more hardware than I already have. I have a 24 V passive PoE switch already, and I want to use it to power the hAP and some other stuff. Is there really no way to change the WAN port into a LAN port?
K6CCC's picture
On the hAP, the PoE input is
On the hAP, the PoE input is hard wired to port 1.  That can not be changed.  From within the AREDN UI, there is no way to manually move what ports are what, but as I recall, you can do that to some degree directly in linux.  I have no information about how to do that or what limitations there are with that.
Hopefully someone who knows can fill in more details.

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