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Port mapping AirRouter enable port 1 to be DtD instead of 5.

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Port mapping AirRouter enable port 1 to be DtD instead of 5.
My deployment would be much cleaner if  DTD could be on port 1 with POE, so I'm requesting an option  to swap DTD and WAN ports. 
I'll leave the broader question of enabling port configuration with you.  If there is a config file I'm comfortable making changes to it.

Today are using  2 cables to enable the node, POE on port 1 ( WAN ) and  Mesh DTD on port 5, (labelled port 4).  It would be much cleaner if we only needed 1 cable.

Thanks for all your efforts in support of AREN.
AE6XE's picture
I have been looking at this. 
I have been looking at this.  Further investigation is needed, but some devices, like the airrouter  may be able to keep the current port usage, and add dtdlink vlan2 on the WAN port to use one cable.

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