Nightly build 571 hit the streets this morning. It contains the packet storm mitigation patch.
If you're in a medium or large network, or a highly meshed network, and your node passes traffic through itself (i.e., not a end-point), seriously consider using this build.
Orv W6BI
You may not always want to be joined to a global AREDN network, to ensure your emcomm support of 'local' incidences does not depend on the internet. However, participating for a period of time to help find the upper limit, would be helpful.
Tim KN6PLV, just rolled up the sleeves, dug in, figured out the root cause, and simply submitted the code to fix the OLSR storm issue. This issue has been blocking the AREDN mesh network from scaling up. Many thanks to Tim for fixing a major pain many have experienced and spent a lot of time investigating.
Maybe other groups can link up that same day.
Orv W6BI
All my nodes are now on 571. That includes:
There are a small handful of stations in Yucca Valley with equipment pointed at Paxton Hill. They are running 3.20.3 or later. None of them are tunnel servers or clients.

We're happy to join the party.
In a highly-meshed network which provides a storm multiple paths to traverse, a higher percentage of updated nodes may be necessary to squelch a storm.
Another helpful tip when upgrading tunnel server/client units: You don't need to "disable" your Client and Server connections before upgrade. Simply "remove" the VTUN package, reboot, upgrade firmware, ** Install any other optional packages such as the 2 iPerf modules, reboot**, reinstall the VTUN module. Once that is complete, all Tunnel Client and Server connections are restored. Saves a lot of unnecessary clicking.
remove vtun
refresh / download vtun
My hAP and loco-m-xw are running 599 via this procedure. :-)
OBTW, it seems the hAP needs 4 minutes, .vs. 3 minutes, after an upgrade prior to reloading the web page.
I just tried the tunnel software for 599 and the same problem failed to load package. It does load the tunnel package after reloading the
It is strange. Any idea? Were you running prier to upgrading?
Just for clarification - is the latest "Production" version. It contains all the latest security patches that have been released. The "nightly's" may include new OLSR and OPENWRT releases along with other goodies that are being continually added before the next production version is released.
Last time I looked, the latest nightly is version 599
Orv W6BI
If for some reason that doesn't come through again, the node is KV3T-2G-M2, and you can send me the credentials however you reached out last week. That made its way to me somehow. It had the subject "Re: [Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network]" so I assume it was via a pm feature on the forums here, but I could find such a feature.
Orv W6BI
Orv W6BI