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OMS now records multiple AREDN Map entries

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OMS now records multiple AREDN Map entries

Using the Offline Map Submit tool (OMS) with different nightly builds results in multiple entries on the AREDN Map, for the same node.  It appears that each new nightly gives a new and different MAC address and maybe that's why the problem is seen on the map.  This probably should be addressed otherwise the map will get cluttered and be usable.

Interestingly, this problem occurs with my 'MikroTik RouterBOARD LHG 5nD' and 'MikroTik RouterBOARD 952Ui-5ac2nD (hAP ac lite)' but not with my 'Ubiquiti Bullet M (XM AR7241)'.  The "Bullet" is actually a NanoBridge.

73 - Mike AB4YY

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