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Old Ubiquity firmware

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km5l's picture
Old Ubiquity firmware

Someone reported that the older XM 5.5x and less was not on the downloads for Ubiquity - sure enough I don't see it anymore. Unless I'm just missing something it's been removed.

EDIT - I do have copies of the loco and the NS2 firmware, 5.5x - I thought I'd post a link for it but that may be a no-no, any comments?

Thanks and 73,
Patrick KM5L

KE2N's picture
it's still there

it's just not advertised

I suppose at some point it may disappear but I checked a few minutes ago and it was there.

Firm aware
It is there but buried down a few layers in the site. I can get you the link
later when I am on a real computer, not my phone. I also have the files on my PC so can email them to you as well if needed.

km5l's picture
I have them, but...

Ken thanks for the link.   And as far as navigating to it, I don't think you can do that anymore. Unless I'm missing something they've removed the visible link. 

While the design team is working on a fix for loaded AREDN firmware on Ubiquity devices loaded with 5.6 and newer, should we do something to preserve the 5.5x links, files, etc.? I'm not sure what is copasetic.

Patrick KM5L

5.5 for XW?
I have the XM file linked above for the NanoStation M2. Was/is there a 5.5 firmware for the XW 5.8 GHz?

I'm also looking for the XW 5
I'm also looking for the XW 5.5 firmware for the NSM5.  All the 5.5 firmware is no longer on the Ubiquiti firmware site.  Anyone have a link?
AE6XE's picture
Thanks Joe.  The XW link is
Thanks Joe.  The XW link is just what I was looking for.
Thanks also.
Let me add my thanks. I too wanted the XW.
w5mig's picture
AirRouter downgrade

I was looking to downgrade an AirRouter from XM 5.6.3 but no 5.5.x is available. What's this AREDN newbie to do?

K5DLQ's picture
check out post #2 in this
check out post #2 in this thread:
w5mig's picture
Did that
Ok. Installed the firmware in the link in post #2. Worked fine. Then installed the AREDN software for the AirRouter.  Now I am not able to connect to the router. Any suggestions?
K5DLQ's picture
You might take a look thru
You might take a look thru this thread:

(TIP: connect your PC to the node with a cat5 network cable AND DISABLE YOUR PC'S WIFI)
w5mig's picture
Was able to connect with localnode.local.mesh:8080.  Completed the setup and its good to go. Next,  a couple of Rocket M2s. . . .

Thanks for your help. 
K5DLQ's picture
You might try googling for

You might try googling for the filename:


(or, see above)

rocket M2 5.5 firmware
What firmware do I use for a Rocket to downgrade to 5.5?
I assume it's different than a Bullet.
K5DLQ's picture
Use the XM firmware.  The
Use the XM firmware.  The UBNT firmware files (pretty much) cover all devices. 

BTW, links to AirOS 5.5.x are listed in OUR software downloads and installation pages.


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