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NVCON Saturday

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w6bi's picture
NVCON Saturday
I'll be giving a AREDN networking presentation at NVCON (the Nevada State Amateur Radio Convention) in Reno on Saturday 7/20.  I go on at 9 a.m.
It'll be a presentation, and with luck a live TeamTalk demo.  If you're in the area, drop in and say hi!

Orv W6BI
ke6bxt's picture
Will you have a tunnel to So.
Will you have a tunnel to So. Cal? Can you post a link here to your presentation slides?
K6CCC's picture
I believe that is a yes
Orv may be driving, so I'll give you what I know.  As far as I know, he will have a tunnel back home.  He is expecting to use TeamTalk for a demo about 1000.  I will be there as far as I know.

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